
Showing posts from May, 2020

Melemang first time!

Pertama kali bakar lemang. A post on what I learnt from my first experience making lemang from scratch...  Beli buluh yang dah siap ada daun pisang dalamnya! Because... You gotta have SKILLS to insert the pandan leaf inside the bamboo. Ya, ada caranya... Try to Google 'cara masukkan daun pisang dalam buluh' . There is a specific way to insert it. We're not skillful yet so it was a hassle to insert the banana leaf inside the bamboo! No wonder my mum made a BIG FUSS when we bought only the bamboos... I was thinking apa susah... Mana-mana pun ada jual, kebun pisang also got around our neighbourhood...  Got to have a frame/ pancang bakar lemang. We already prepared the fire woods earlier (we trimmed our rambutan tree few weeks ago) but the iron rods for the frame? We kind of forgot about that. So earlier in the morning, Iz went around the neighbourhood asking for iron rods...  The ingredients are CHEAP. Yang buat mahal tu MASA... The current price of lemang sebatang is abou...

A story of the past: My Home, Is In My Car 2

Before we even knew it they already took away our fuse box, leaving a red rectangular spot on the wall. Our house was previously painted red. We couldn't take out the fuse box when we painted our house green so we decided to only paint parts which reachable, visible, and touchable by the paint brush. I told you this just so you didn't assume that we borrowed money from any 'Along'. Well, we did borrow money from my mums' eldest sister, but we never borrowed money from any illegal money lender cum gangster. The red spot was caused by us; no gangster whatsoever had marked our house with red paint. As I stared into the darkness, I wondered how I would live in here without electricity. It was too dark inside. I couldn't even see clear enough when it was bright, what else was left for me in the dark? How in the world could I bathe and you know, do all those things in darkness? Plus, my handphone and laptop feeds on electricity. When both of them didn't get enoug...

5 things I missed the most during the Movement Control Order

Still MCO (18th March)/ CMCO (4th May).  Today is the 64th day . Yup, more than 2 months already! I'm writing this post to make me in check with my own emotions. Honestly, I haven't been all happy throughout this period... Got ups and downs. Most probably because of some things I missed pre-MCO. So here goes.... 1. Working I can't believe I put this in NUMBER ONE! Especially when I used to complain about being so sunburned and feeling so exhausted. But really, I miss the pool! And I miss being a working person. Okay, I might be missing the latter much more. Although I have a much fairer skin now; the sunburn I had for YEARS had started to fade revealing my original skin tone, but the feeling of being jobless sucks . SERIOUSLY. I'm not facing a huge financial difficulty now as I used to before, but it does feel a bit low to not be earning money. 2. Grocery shopping with my mum and Sofia The freedom of browsing around the aisles. Sofia asking me for this and that, and me ...

A story of the past: My Home, Is In My Car 1

Found these writings stored neatly in a file, printed not handwritten. I think I wrote them for a writing competition. But really, I am so grateful I did decided to write them down. Hard times exists to make you stronger, and by going through the past, it reminds you how strong you were. *It's actually quite lengthy, 4 pages. I'm going to make it into several posts konon-konon like a K-drama* My Home, Is In My Car I love to travel. I wish I could spend all my life visiting new places instead of being stuck at home. I wish I lived my life in a suitcase, because then I will not have to worry about forgetting things to bring. I don't have to pack, re-pack, and pack again just so I could bring every single item in my house. I am, after all, a girl. My beauty regime should not be put aside at all times. Moisturizer, sun block cream, cleanser, toner, foundation, blusher, and even mascara- I need them all! When I travel, I travel in style. Who knows I might just bump into some ric...

Baju Little Critter

I finally have something I really want to write about! Been contemplating on some topics I ended up not writing it up. Mostly about MCO and my sudden crazy thought on furthering studies to Masters (what was I thinking?). My mum bought us all the Little Critter series written by Mercer Mayer back in the US. And... It wasn't until years.... That I realized mum actually bought two of the same title. My mum said she accidentally bought two as she found a lot more other titles at a discounted price at another shop. It was Sofia who pointed it out. Damn... Seriously that kid is really something. Or, really all kids are so smart like that. Or, Sofia is just like me - very particular. I didn't remember which title got double, though. I might ask Sofia later ha-ha. Anyway... It was really something to read to your kid the books your mum used to read to you. You know. And seeing some books with doodles... And your kid asking you who did that and it really was you, the kid you. One of...

Selamat Hari Guru 2020

"Berguru demi ilmu, bina generasi baru."   That's the theme for this year. Scrolling through my Facebook feed, saw this one video shared by Dhiya , a debate friend during diploma. Listening to the melody made me so touched. Reminded me of my primary school years.  I recall the moment of watching all my teachers singing 'Kami Guru Malaysia' on a stage they constructed just outside the school hall. I still remember them singing the song oh so semangat! The cool music teacher. Forgot his name already (I think it's Cikgu Azhar?) haha but I still remember his face. SRKBBB. Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Bandar Baru Bangi. There are more buildings now in the school ground; already have new classrooms at that area. It seems much more packed now. I remembered wanting to be a teacher just to get lots of gifts on Teachers Day. Pemikiran ringkas kanak-kanak... I think there was a time where I wanted to be a teacher, but not for long. I then aspired to be a writer, journalist...

My labor story: Sofia - The admission

Yeah the title was emphasized as such in case I got another baby and had to write another post "My labor story: (name of second child)" A day before labor, I went to TCE Baby Expo , Fitnessium (Taayun and Am's gym), and had a good meal of lasagna. Yeah berjalan sakan I tell you. TCE Baby Expo . Got a lot of cheapo cheapo stylish clothes. But so packed will be thinking twice to go again next time. Being a first time mum, there were a lot of things I didn't know. I'm so glad my best friend is a doctor. I always refer her in case of any changes. The night before, I had major contractions like so bad so sakit... And there were clear fluid drippings. Like mengalir je like that. I thought there were normal discharges. Tita told me to look for brownish discharges, she didn't say anything about clear ones. So as usual, I reported to her, early in the morning right after subuh prayers. Belum 7am pun lagi. Told her malam tadi asyik discharge je tapi tak brownis...

Because of this MCO...

I get to do a whole load of things I didn't imagine I'd be doing and also learnt a lot of things I didn't think I would if not because of this MCO or PKP (Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan) period. Also a lot of things happened just because of this MCO. Going to include all but maybe have a Part One and Part Two, or even to the extent of Part Three. We'll see. Here's a brief intro on where we are currently... It's already day 52  of the Movement Control Order (MCO). The MCO started on 18th March. Starting 4th May , some regulations became a bit more lenient under the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO). Some premises are allowed to reopen and people are even allowed to go jogging! However, this CMCO does no changes to the industry I am in; the swimming industry . SWIMMING POOLS are still a NO-NO. Clearly stated in the rules. Because of this MCO..... 1. I get to binge watch on Netflix. Fuh... The first two weeks of MCO... Me time me time all the way! I watched B...

Anniversary post

Nak upload gambar anniversary, tapi anniversary pun dah nak habis. Nak blog pasal anniversary, anniversary pun dah nak habis... Wan Usu helping me godek-godek my veil.  It's our 5th year anniversary today, 2nd May 2020. I think many would have the same date with us because 1st May is a Public Holiday in Malaysia - Labor Day . I think la. Public holiday, school holiday... Musim orang kahwin. Iz already posted a status update on Facebook earlier this morning. While lining up to buy daun sup at the market lah tu... I planned on uploading first since I noticed for the past few years I'm the one tagged, but well I failed again this year. Try again next year. Or just let him do it until forever haha. I remembered it's Tita who took this picture. I woke up early today to download photos from the CD I got from our OP. Had a few sweet minutes of me time reminiscing the wedding, until Sofia woke up and joined in. Commented on almost every picture. "E...

Benda dah ada

Yang penting sekarang penguatkuasaan... Clothes, food, cooking utensils, arts and craft, medical. Mama, Sofia, and Papa. Anyway... This time around we got Iz's palm to join in. Usually it's just Sofia and I. Will this piece of art make it to the wall of our new home? I kept on making arts to frame, but somehow I kept on losing them pulak. Well, we'll see.

Resepi nugget nasi

A very simple recipe. Kalau tak simple, tak buat ahahah. Okay, straight to the recipe!   Nugget nasi Nugget nasi yang dah dikukus dan digoreng. This is the first time I made it. A bit unsatisfied because can still see the rice texture... Felt a bit disturbed hahaha. Bahan-bahan utama Nasi 3 senduk Dada ayam 1 Telur 1 biji Bahan-bahan tambahan yang perlu tapi boleh tambah/ kurang ikut kesesuaian Air masak separuh cawan (untuk mudahkan proses kisaran) Bawang merah Bawang putih Lada hitam Lada putih Kiub pati ayam/ ikan bilis Sayur Cara buat 1. Kisar semua bahan menggunakan pengisar atau food processor. 2. Tuang ke dalam acuan untuk dikukus. 3. Nak pastikan dah masak, cucuk dengan garfu atau lidi. Kalau tak melekat, maknanya dah masak. 4. Keluarkan dari periuk kukus. 5. Tunggu sejuk baru potong. 6. Celup telur dan goreng. Extra: Boleh celup telur dan salut dengan serbuk roti, baru goreng. Gunakan cawan plastik buat apam. ...