Because of this MCO...

I get to do a whole load of things I didn't imagine I'd be doing and also learnt a lot of things I didn't think I would if not because of this MCO or PKP (Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan) period. Also a lot of things happened just because of this MCO. Going to include all but maybe have a Part One and Part Two, or even to the extent of Part Three. We'll see.

Here's a brief intro on where we are currently...

It's already day 52 of the Movement Control Order (MCO). The MCO started on 18th March. Starting 4th May, some regulations became a bit more lenient under the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO). Some premises are allowed to reopen and people are even allowed to go jogging! However, this CMCO does no changes to the industry I am in; the swimming industry. SWIMMING POOLS are still a NO-NO. Clearly stated in the rules.

Because of this MCO.....

1. I get to binge watch on Netflix. Fuh... The first two weeks of MCO... Me time me time all the way! I watched Battleship Island on HyppTv and soon got hooked on other Korean Dramas... The Doctors/ Doctor Crush and My ID is Gangnam Beauty. Iz was also home so we are talking about really staying in the room to binge watch while Iz took care of Sofia. Gosh now I think about it I feel bad. Okay NOT! I do deserve some time out. I feel more refreshed and spirited to play with Sofia afterwards. 

And actually got me wishing I am a doctor.

2. Iz is better at house chores. Haha. Whose husband isn't? From the very basic of taking out popsicles from the mould to buying groceries to taking out clothes from the washing machine to hanging up the clothes to dry. You know there's a cool way to take out the clothes from the washing machine, right? No? Because we wash Sofia's clothes together with ours, the small and big sized clothes got mixed up. When taking out the clothes to hang, it's annoying time consuming to shift from large hangers to small hangers to large hangers... So we took out the small sized clothes first, then the bigger ones later or vice versa.

 3. I heard people started to appreciate housewives and teachers more during this MCO period.

For the first few weeks of MCO this phrase was quite famous as more people had to work from home while caring for their kids. And oh, homeschooling? Basically that's what I've been doing with Sofia pun ever since forever. I'm still struggling.

4. I get to declutter my wardrobe- Marie Kondo style. Which is emptying the whole wardrobe, gather all my clothes at one spot and start sorting from there. 23rd March.

Just this much space of clothes is minimal enough I think, yet I still feel like I can scale down a bit more so yeah.

5. I get to transfer/ delete a lot of swimming pictures and videos from my Google Photos and hadphone to the laptop. These are the small small important things in the business but so leceh to do. Can you imagine I actually still have swimming photos from 6 years ago? Man... The kids have already grown up.

I decided to just delete them. Important ones I already upload on the IRenang Facebook page.

6. I get to ganti puasa. Dengan tenang dan selesa, OK. Usually few weeks before Ramadan was a very hectic time and I was busy finishing all my swimming lessons before Ramadan.

7. I get to perform more Solat Sunat Dhuha. This MCO, I have no reason not to pray on time and perform more solat sunat. As Iz was home the whole day! We could take turns caring for Sofia.

8. Bought popsicle molds for Merlyn from Lazada. Been wanting to get her those molds since she once told me her kids have been asking for that for quite some time. The delivery does took quite some time... Haha. 

9. I created an Instagram account for Sofia, to keep all her pictures there. While clearing up my phone from swimming students' pictures, I realized I have a lot of her pictures. So basically it's just to keep her pictures there. @nurkhairahsofia

10. Brother treated all of us to Tealive. Siapa sangka? Ahaha... Because of this MCO, Malaysians depended a lot on riders/ deliveries. After applying for months, he finally got accepted by Grab. And as a Grab rider, he got discounts. So yeah, all 5 of us (including Sofia) enjoyed Tealive's Brown Sugar Bubble Milk Tea that one day.

Coincidentally, I asked Iz to buy me something from Cool Blog.... Penuh boba my perut that day uih. That's tiger king coffee by the way, not milk tea (22nd April)

11. I entered a lot of giveaways. Kept tagging my sister-in-laws and also some random ladies who tagged me in the first place.

12. Video called with bestie in Labuan, for less than 5 minutes. Been friends for nearly 25 years and I've never video called her before. She's at the hospital, as usual. About to start doing rounds.

13. We spoiled Sofia with Netflix and regreted it. Whoa... So we finally got a glimpse of how those kids who are addicted to gadgets behave... Lesson learnt.

14. I got a good rest and became at least two tones fairer. BUT still haven't gotten back my original skin tone. Maknanya masih berbelang la muka ni.

15. We started taking orders again for cinnamon rolls. I think only in the 3rd or 4th week of MCO we decided to take orders. 

16. Attended a Webinar. Malaysian Coaches Option Extended, where I began viewing the swimming industry in a different perspective.

17. We solat jemaah more. And found out Sofia actually loves praying together ramai-ramai. She would get upset even if only her Pak Su wasn't praying together.


The prime minister just made an announcement at around 2pm just now. CMCO to be extended until 9th June 2020. Hm. Okay. There might be a Part Two of this. Til then!


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