A story of the past: My Home, Is In My Car 1

Found these writings stored neatly in a file, printed not handwritten. I think I wrote them for a writing competition. But really, I am so grateful I did decided to write them down. Hard times exists to make you stronger, and by going through the past, it reminds you how strong you were.

*It's actually quite lengthy, 4 pages. I'm going to make it into several posts konon-konon like a K-drama*

My Home, Is In My Car

I love to travel. I wish I could spend all my life visiting new places instead of being stuck at home. I wish I lived my life in a suitcase, because then I will not have to worry about forgetting things to bring. I don't have to pack, re-pack, and pack again just so I could bring every single item in my house. I am, after all, a girl. My beauty regime should not be put aside at all times. Moisturizer, sun block cream, cleanser, toner, foundation, blusher, and even mascara- I need them all! When I travel, I travel in style. Who knows I might just bump into some rich French man? Anyhow, rich French man or not, I still wish to go places.

My wishes did come true one day, but it kind of backfired a little bit. I wished for a happy and joyful travel experience but what happened was the opposite. There I was, staring blankly at the dark building in front of me. To be specific, the building was a 2-storey, green-painted house where I had been living in for the past 19 years. This didn't really come as a shock for me neither any of my family members as we were already aware of the unpaid bills. Electricity bills came in various colours for the past few months. First, only the unpaid amount was highlighted red. Then, they sent us a yellow coloured bill, with the amount still in bold red. The following month not only the amount, but the paper was also red. At that time we know we were done for it. The red electricity bill sent us a very clear message. However, unlike footballers, we didn't get out of the pitch, or in our case, our house, as soon as we received the red bill. Why? Because there weren't any rules saying that we should leave our house if we didn't pay for electricity.

There were rules, though, saying that electricity must leave our house if we didn't pay the bills.


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