Resepi nugget nasi

A very simple recipe. Kalau tak simple, tak buat ahahah. Okay, straight to the recipe!

 Nugget nasi

Nugget nasi yang dah dikukus dan digoreng.
This is the first time I made it. A bit unsatisfied because can still see the rice texture... Felt a bit disturbed hahaha.

Bahan-bahan utama

Nasi 3 senduk
Dada ayam 1
Telur 1 biji

Bahan-bahan tambahan yang perlu tapi boleh tambah/ kurang ikut kesesuaian

Air masak separuh cawan (untuk mudahkan proses kisaran)
Bawang merah
Bawang putih
Lada hitam
Lada putih
Kiub pati ayam/ ikan bilis

Cara buat

1. Kisar semua bahan menggunakan pengisar atau food processor.
2. Tuang ke dalam acuan untuk dikukus.
3. Nak pastikan dah masak, cucuk dengan garfu atau lidi. Kalau tak melekat, maknanya dah masak.
4. Keluarkan dari periuk kukus.
5. Tunggu sejuk baru potong.
6. Celup telur dan goreng.

Extra: Boleh celup telur dan salut dengan serbuk roti, baru goreng.

Gunakan cawan plastik buat apam.

Because besar sangat, I cut it into 4 small pieces.

Celup telur, salut serbuk roti.

Adunan agak cair... OK mungkin sebab terlebih air. Pantun dua kerat disitu~

I kind of like this recipe. Made me eat more rice, in a way. Yeah this recipe is for kiddos, but really, Sofia didn't have much problem eating rice anyway. Rice is life for Sofia. I, on the other hand kureng sikit makan nasi.

I did another batch, but I added more chicken and less rice, less water.

No more small cups. Just one big container, let it cool down, then only you cut them out.

Can barely see the rice. Lebih halus the texture.

For this one, the breadcrumbs I mix with black pepper and mixed herbs I bought from a bakery.

Happy trying!


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