
Showing posts from April, 2020

Ramadan 1441 H

Sekali dengan announcement Ramadan, semalam juga PM announce Tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) dilanjutkan hingga 12 Mei 2020 . The third phase is supposed to end this 28th April... So, yeah. Fourth phase coming up. How's PKP treating you so far? Ok silap. How are you doing in this PKP? I MISS DRIVING. Okay silap lagi. I miss going out. I'm typing this on 1 Ramadan, by the way. Tengah tunggu Isyak. This is supposed to be a Ramadan post. * * * Hello. 3 Ramadan dah today. Tak sempat habiskan posting ritu sebab Sofia dah bangun.  Anyway... 1 Ramadan 1441 haritu, my mum suggested (told) us to recite Quran together. Try to finish reciting one whole Quran this Ramadan. The sequence is mum, me, Iz, and Chairin. The first day while dividing pages, my mum was saying okay 7 helai. And I was actually counting muka. Faham tak beza muka dan helai. One helai got two muka. Depan belakang. I didn't really realize this until Iz asked, "7 helai ke 7 muka?...

Siapa yang bertanggungjawab ni?

A short story on how I came to know I'm pregnant (Sofia). Compulsory to put Sofia's name because it has been nearly 4 years already. People might get the wrong idea. Padahal siapa je baca blog ni? Been checking regularly (asalkan lambat seminggu dua je check) using the pregnancy test kit. Most of the time only one red line. Once, two red lines but one of it not so clear. Retest. Nope, one visible red line only. Tested so many times already, always negative so I took time off to chill and relax. More than two weeks then only I did the test. When I finally got two visible red lines (very clear ones..), which I immediately send a picture of it to Tita. Best friend of 22 years gotta know first, plus, she's a doctor too. Tried to surprise husband when he got home but failed. Told him to look at the bath tub nearly 3 times yet he didn't notice the strip so I have to point the strip to him myself. First question he asked, "Siapa yang bertanggungjawab ni?" ........

Entering the #duckcolouringchallenge

Hello! Genap sebulan PKP harini... Malaysia started imposing the Movement Control Order (MCO) on 18th March 2020.  Among other things I did during this MCO, was joining competitions online. I entered a tag and win giveaway by @fashionvaletcom . Didn't won anything... Wasn't that lucky. Honestly, I rarely win things like that. Lucky draw? Never lucky. I also entered the #duckcolouringchallenge by @theduckgroup. The challenge was up to 7 days but I only entered for 3 days; a day gap in between for Netflix. Hahaha. And oh. Also because I was confident I would win the Day 6 challenge HAHAHA! ANYWAY.... Here I am sharing all my artwork. And also Sofia's... Because she saw me colouring in... Oh by the way, I didn't use any special app. Just that I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Note 9 , and there are functions of colouring in using pen, marker, highlights etc. I also had my sister in law to upload it for me because I didn't want to change my Instagram to pu...

Egg smash!

Hello! It's Day 03 of MCO 3rd phase. Well, today... We started off by doing the Cotton Buds Colour Matching activity. Not much artsy stuff going on today, more on role play in which her dad is so good at. She could be anything... From fireman to police to Spongebob. Me? I wasn't much of a role play kind of person. I get bored acting different characters... This Egg Smashing activity, I got this idea from @lauraiz (Instagram). We did it yesterday. Eggshells and a ziplock bag. Actually I've tried this activity before with Sofia. Except that I didn't place the eggshells inside a ziplock bag. I let her smash it in a plastic bowl. And guess what, the bits of eggshells flew all over the place. So, put the eggshells inside a plastic bag.  Don't make the same mistake I did. She wanted to smash the eggshells using my water bottle. If you ever want to smash them using a wood spatula like this one, remember to smash them on a carpeted surface. I don't ...

Cotton buds colour matching activity

Hello! It's now Day 02 of the Movement Control Order 3rd phase.... My mum suggested I make a diary of Sofia's activity during this MCO period. But the thing is, it is not always all the time I managed to take a picture. And also, there are days I let her watch tv most of the time... So this one activity I got from @lauraiz (Instagram). I named this activity myself. Aha. Three things needed: cotton buds (as many as you like), paper , watercolour . Just dip the ends of the cotton buds into various colours.  Draw around the cotton buds to make a shape like so. Usually for the first time of doing any activity, I'd do it together with her. So yeah, that's my skinny hand making its' appearance. Also for Sofia to see later who knows when I'm no longer around, and she miss me. That's ma Together we completed them in less than 5 minutes... These pictures are taken on 14th April 2020 (yes I am that detailed). She refused a second round...

Make anything into food mode

Yeah, hi. Good morning. It's MCO day 27 now. My mum's into that mode now. How her brain works in turning just about anything into food is a wonder to me. Experience, maybe. While she was cooking it I was actually thinking seriously we can eat this? Okay, it's just like kerabu kan. It's not like we'd die eating this. Bersabar dengan dia yang tambahkan cheese to make it look more gourmet.... It all started when my mum decided to harvest whatever that can be harvested from our garden. Apparently, there's a papaya tree at the back of our garden. No one planted it - tumbuh sendiri dan berbuah lebat pulak... Mum decided we should chop it down since it does look like it's going to fall. Buah betik dan daun yang dikatakan boleh dimakan (walaupun buah tu hijau). I, honestly, didn't have the slightest idea what to do with them. Buah betik yang masih hijau... dan daun betik. Okay, I do know that the leaf can be eaten like ulam although I've never tried it...

Finger food: Potato fingers recipe

Potato fingers Sofia's having a third piece now, so I guess this recipe is really something hehe. I always make finger food for Sofia, to the extent that she is so used to homecooked meal she didn't want to eat those instant frozen food (nuggets, etc). But the thing is, I rarely have a recipe I sticked to. Usually I'd just add on a bit of flour here and there when I feel needed. This one I got the recipe from Facebook; mum whatsapped me the link. I really hope I can do this again next time, so here I am sharing it here. Also because I'm confident it will jadi haha. INGREDIENTS 3 potatoes 5 tablespoon corn flour 1 tablespoon rice flour 1 teaspoon ground white pepper 1 teaspoon salt *I added in ground black pepper also. **You can also add in 1 tablespoon of carrot and 1 tablespoon of daun bawang or chilli etc. HOW TO Boil the potatoes. Mash it. Mix all ingredients. Shape it. I didn't make it into very long, lean fingers coz ...