Cotton buds colour matching activity

Hello! It's now Day 02 of the Movement Control Order 3rd phase.... My mum suggested I make a diary of Sofia's activity during this MCO period. But the thing is, it is not always all the time I managed to take a picture. And also, there are days I let her watch tv most of the time...

So this one activity I got from @lauraiz (Instagram). I named this activity myself. Aha.

Three things needed: cotton buds (as many as you like), paper, watercolour.

Just dip the ends of the cotton buds into various colours. 

Draw around the cotton buds to make a shape like so.

Usually for the first time of doing any activity, I'd do it together with her. So yeah, that's my skinny hand making its' appearance. Also for Sofia to see later who knows when I'm no longer around, and she miss me. That's ma

Together we completed them in less than 5 minutes...

These pictures are taken on 14th April 2020 (yes I am that detailed). She refused a second round, but the next day she did played with it again.

And today, 16th. We woke up to find that my mum had actually tore a bit of it to lit a fire.

Yeah. So much of homeschooling eh.

That, made me realize if I really am serious about homeschooling Sofia, I should have a proper place to store all the materials.

Sofia was really upset. I didn't expect her to be, though haha. Anyway I made another one.

NEVER let the coloured cotton buds dry on the paper. That's common sense, nanti melekat terkoyak kertas. But I forgot. Jadi ada terkoyak sikit and had to recolour.

You can get at least 5 minutes of break, I think heh. Depends on how many cotton buds you use and how fast they complete it.

Happy trying!

I might have another tag other than Raising Sofia, just for arts and craft for kiddos. But see how la. If not that much I'll just stick to Raising Sofia.

* Updated on 17th April 2020

Earlier this morning, I tried this activity again for her. I was actually testing whether this activity can be played repeatedly. So, yes it could. Sacrificing our cotton buds is worth it.

Keep them inside a ziplock bag. Travel friendly too!


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