Make anything into food mode

Yeah, hi. Good morning. It's MCO day 27 now.

My mum's into that mode now. How her brain works in turning just about anything into food is a wonder to me. Experience, maybe.

While she was cooking it I was actually thinking seriously we can eat this? Okay, it's just like kerabu kan. It's not like we'd die eating this.

Bersabar dengan dia yang tambahkan cheese to make it look more gourmet....

It all started when my mum decided to harvest whatever that can be harvested from our garden. Apparently, there's a papaya tree at the back of our garden. No one planted it - tumbuh sendiri dan berbuah lebat pulak... Mum decided we should chop it down since it does look like it's going to fall.

Buah betik dan daun yang dikatakan boleh dimakan (walaupun buah tu hijau).

I, honestly, didn't have the slightest idea what to do with them. Buah betik yang masih hijau... dan daun betik. Okay, I do know that the leaf can be eaten like ulam although I've never tried it before. Oh yea I suddenly remembered- jeruk. Jeruk betik. But we're not going to make that. Only Iz ate jeruk. So instead, we made....

Betik muda goreng

Grate them, mix well with tepung goreng ayam... And fry it.

Crunchy la. My kid loves it. Okay, not love LOVE. It is eatable la. Boleh dimakan. Dengan nasi. Atau begitu saja. Macam bawang goreng, mak kata.

Hash brown betik gourmet

Mix them with egg, sausage, black pepper...

Grill them on a pan.

Add cheese. My mum actually thought I'll eat it if she added cheese. Okay, I ate half. It doesn't taste bad. It tasted okay, just like hash brown la except it's papaya. I couldn't change my mindset... I had trouble eating them. Iz? Well, he enjoyed it. Sofia? Hm. She might take after me...

Sofia was serving breakfast at the same time.... Somehow, her breakfast looks more delicious. You know this is what we call looks can be deceiving. What looks good might not taste that good.

See? Got PIZZA some more. Looks good but tastes like plastic.


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