Egg smash!

Hello! It's Day 03 of MCO 3rd phase.

Well, today... We started off by doing the Cotton Buds Colour Matching activity. Not much artsy stuff going on today, more on role play in which her dad is so good at. She could be anything... From fireman to police to Spongebob. Me? I wasn't much of a role play kind of person. I get bored acting different characters...

This Egg Smashing activity, I got this idea from @lauraiz (Instagram). We did it yesterday.

Eggshells and a ziplock bag.

Actually I've tried this activity before with Sofia. Except that I didn't place the eggshells inside a ziplock bag. I let her smash it in a plastic bowl. And guess what, the bits of eggshells flew all over the place. So, put the eggshells inside a plastic bag. Don't make the same mistake I did.

She wanted to smash the eggshells using my water bottle.

If you ever want to smash them using a wood spatula like this one, remember to smash them on a carpeted surface. I don't really like the sound... kliketing kliketing...

I even got a video of it!

Oh by the way, the smashed eggshells you can put them around your plants as a fertilizer and also to keep the snails away.

So, don't throw away the eggshells.. Happy trying!


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