Ramadan 1441 H

Sekali dengan announcement Ramadan, semalam juga PM announce Tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) dilanjutkan hingga 12 Mei 2020.

The third phase is supposed to end this 28th April... So, yeah. Fourth phase coming up.

How's PKP treating you so far? Ok silap. How are you doing in this PKP?

I MISS DRIVING. Okay silap lagi. I miss going out.

I'm typing this on 1 Ramadan, by the way. Tengah tunggu Isyak.

This is supposed to be a Ramadan post.

* * *

Hello. 3 Ramadan dah today. Tak sempat habiskan posting ritu sebab Sofia dah bangun. 

Anyway... 1 Ramadan 1441 haritu, my mum suggested (told) us to recite Quran together. Try to finish reciting one whole Quran this Ramadan. The sequence is mum, me, Iz, and Chairin. The first day while dividing pages, my mum was saying okay 7 helai. And I was actually counting muka.

Faham tak beza muka dan helai. One helai got two muka. Depan belakang. I didn't really realize this until Iz asked, "7 helai ke 7 muka?"

Oh. And there the realization hit me. 7 helai = 14 muka

It is already 3rd Ramadan. And I still have 2 helai left. Malu sikit woi cite Korea cepat je habis (tapi tu bukan bulan puasa... bertenaga. Alasan!). Today dah hari ketiga. So that means dah bertampuk-tampukla belum habis lagi...

But. I try to make a point to at least mengaji. Okay so harini belum. And the first day, I got about 4 pages. Which is A LOT compared to before where I rarely read the Quran. Aih...

This Ramadan.... We had a whole load of time to prepare! A day before Ramadan, my mum and I already prepared all cooking ingredients. All the onion, shallots, garlic, ginger, segala macam semua dah blender siap-siap. I also already have a pack of homemade nuggets for Sofia. Very prepared! And well rested...

Nuget nasi + ayam

Where years before... We used to be very tired by Ramadan. Because during Ramadan is where we didn't have swimming classes. No swimming class no work. So we are already used to working so damn hard before Ramadan. Just. Before. Ramadan. Pernah je esok Ramadan, today still teaching. The first week of Ramadan we were very exhausted tak ada pun nak plan-plan mengaji satu juzuk ke apa.

Alhamdulillah. Looking at this PKP period in a different perspective. I may or may not have the same opportunity like this. Hah dah tu fikir apa lagi? Pergi mengaji! Aha...

Til next time!


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