Siapa yang bertanggungjawab ni?

A short story on how I came to know I'm pregnant (Sofia). Compulsory to put Sofia's name because it has been nearly 4 years already. People might get the wrong idea. Padahal siapa je baca blog ni?

Been checking regularly (asalkan lambat seminggu dua je check) using the pregnancy test kit. Most of the time only one red line. Once, two red lines but one of it not so clear. Retest. Nope, one visible red line only. Tested so many times already, always negative so I took time off to chill and relax. More than two weeks then only I did the test.

When I finally got two visible red lines (very clear ones..), which I immediately send a picture of it to Tita. Best friend of 22 years gotta know first, plus, she's a doctor too. Tried to surprise husband when he got home but failed. Told him to look at the bath tub nearly 3 times yet he didn't notice the strip so I have to point the strip to him myself. First question he asked, "Siapa yang bertanggungjawab ni?" ........ Told him let me think for a while, who's responsible for this... That answer shocked him. Haha. Tau pun. He still took me for a check-up at the clinic, anyway. Though both of us so blurrr... Seriously. It wasn't like those YouTube moments where couples shed tears of joy together. We were like, oh okay. We should go to the clinic.

The doctor confirmed that I am 4-weeks pregnant, based on my first day of last period @ hari pertama tumpah darah.

He adviced me to be extra careful as at this stage it is still so fragile. High risk of miscarriage at this stage, he said. Also gave me acid folic, and reminded me it will affect my faeces; it will be darker @ black so don't freak out. One of the best advice I received coz it really did get dark.


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