Mengajar Di Kolam Kanak-Kanak
Having been teaching adults for the past few months, when I had to teach a group of toddlers I was a bit lost for ideas. I was suddenly clueless. Tak nak duduk diam, asyik menguit-nguit dalam air... Main-main, lompat-lompat. Hampir lemas. Lepas tu terjun lagi sekali.TAK SERIK! For the first class, I didn't know what to teach these kids. Where to start? Bubbling? Floating? Gliding? They wouldn't listen, I tell youuuu... All they wanted to do is play. Play. Play. And they wouldn't focus for long. I would ask them to watch me first but before I even finished, they would all try it already! Cikgu cikgu, macam ni ke? Cikgu cikgu, tengok ni! Cikgu cikgu.. Cikgu cikgu.. Cikgu cikgu..! Mind this; MOST OF THEM COULDN'T REACH THE BOTTOM OF THE POOL. Jengket-jengket, lompat-lompat~ So yeah, potensi untuk lemas itu ada. Cikgu, saya takut la cikgu... Cikgu, kaki saya tak sampai... Cikgu, tadi saya lemas! (Err... Bila eh?) So, for the second class... I had a NEW strategy. * * * *...