
To float on the surface of the water, you must be relaxed. Really really really relaxed...
Before swimming, you must float first.
Star float, mushroom float, turtle float...
You float, then you glide. And only then you can start swimming.

Basically, you HAVE TO relax.
Only relaxed people can survive inside the water.
That's why water is the best therapy.


Aisyah Ahmad said…
dulu ingat org badan besar tak leh terapung..tapi aku dah boleh float..hehehe
Bashtiah said…
Ecah! Lama tak jumpa... Ha, semua orang boleh float sebenarnya;)
Sophie Al-Yahya said…
tak sabar nak gi swim sabtu ni. =)

seriously bila dah kerja sangat menghargai pool. sgt relax..
Bashtiah said…
Sophie, elokla tak tinggal swimming... Untuk relaxation tu ;)
Liza Razak said…
Saya pon suka buat floating...hehe..memang relax!!
Bashtiah said…
Liza: Betul....! Have fun :D

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