
Showing posts from January, 2011

2.4 km

10th January 2011, Monday. 11 am. My feet had the shock of their lives! 2.4 kilometers, man! I managed to finish those 6 laps only after 19.02 mins. *sigh* I know, I know... That's a terrible record, especially for a sports science student who is expected to be fit ... Okay, to tell the truth, I haven't been running or jogging at all for months! The last time I ran was during the interview, 18th April 2010, where I went through the bleep test. I know... It's like, lamo sangat kan... Eh eh... Okay why am I posting an incident that happened weeks ago? Eh, it's 25th January already and here I am blogging about something that happened 15 days ago? Oh well... *sigh* Simply because at first I thought it's not really important. And second, because I didn't feel like sharing it publicly before. I was too embarrassed of myself. Seriously. Like, TOTALLY embarrassed. Ahah! But now, I believe that that 2.4 km test was really really important and that I really...

Motivasi Pagi Jumaat

Assalamualaikum... I found something on the net. AURAT Tidak akan tertutup dengan berperangai baik. Tidak akan tertutup dengan sifat lemah lembut. Tidak akan tertutup dengan kata-kata yang baik. Tidak akan tertutup dengan solat. Tetapi hanya akan tertutup dengan pakaian yang sempurna. Mudah-mudahan akhlak dibalik pakaian tadi, lebih indah daripada pakaiannya. (It's basically an issue about aurat . For Muslim women, their aurat covers everything except the face and the palm of the hands .) Heh. Eheh... This one really really really got me, seriously. Let's be open, okay. "Pakai je tudung tapi kena tangkap khalwat!" "Ish... nama aje bertudung tapi suka melucah." Does this sound familiar to you? VERY FAMILIAR, right? I believe I should really leave this like that. You read, you understand, and you think on your own. But I must say girls donning the hijab who cursed and say bad words really really turn me off... Seriously. Oh, have a great day everyone!

Hadiah Hari Guru

Teachers' Day Present. (THANK YOU NURIS!) It's not the Teachers' Day yet but I received a present already. A student of mine gave me this. Aii.... I am certainly so touched! Like, OMG... Terharu sangat~ Honestly, I don't really expect gifts. But I must say that I am proud that I'm a swimming teacher. Actually, I'm happy that I am a teacher . For me, being a teacher is a really really noble job. I now understood how it feels like to see your students' success. Now I understand why my teachers in school always said the best gift we could ever give her was by simply doing our best to excel. I still remember I used to think real hard what to give my favourite teacher for Teacher's Day (I ended up buying her an electric kettle so that everytime she use it she would remember me). I wanted to give her something so she would know how much I appreciate her efforts. Simply to show my appreciation. Now that I've become a teacher myself, I must say, though I am ...


is a scary place to go. Well, for me, that is. Went to the university's gym last Tuesday. I thought it's a Ladies Night so yeah, with full ease, without worry, I went with a friend of mine. But eh, as we arrived I saw loads of guys outside. Eh I thought it's Ladies Night? Oh rupanya bukan... Tomorrow night is the the Ladies Night. Yay. Total joy... Honestly, I began to freak out. BIG TIME. Dup.dap.dup.dap.dup.dap.dup.dap...dupdapdupdapdupdap! *The heart is beating faster* As we passed by the gym, I could see the inside *intai-intai* between the curtains. Full of guys, man! Like OMG! Dupdapdupdapdupdap... Scary, I tell you... But the gym is nice, though. It looked clean and well equipped, a big contrast to the building itself. From the outside, it looked not more than just an old building, but the inside is just oh-so-cool! Don't judge a book by it's cover, true true... Seeing from the outside freaks me out big time. Being inside , eventhough on...

Kakak: My Superhero!

Ever since KTM Komuter introduced the Ladies' Coach , travelling by train has been a much better and pleasurable journey. And undoubtedly, much much much more comfortable! A train coach especially for ladies, now that's just simply superb! I feel safe, given the fact that ALL of us have the same assets. Eh. Except different shapes and sizes... Ah you know what I meant, right. I don't think I need to, well, elaborate more on that. Basically we, women, know exactly what is behind those pretty pretty clothes. Because it IS THE SAME. And we have our own. And therefore we , unlike most guys, don't really stare at a womens' body with feelings of lust. But if we did, then er... There must be something wrong... Seriously. A few days ago I had to take the train back home. Travelling alone, of course I opt for the Ladies' Coach. Much safer. Though I'm quite an independent woman I still had that tiny bit feeling of insecurity when travelling alone. But like mum s...

Just Like A Doctor

I'm training myself to think critically. Scientifically. Just like a doctor. Okay so I received my very first assignment last Wednesday. The topic: Sport (Medical Ethics). Went to search for data on the net. Google woogle google woogle... Among the points I found. British Medical Association, Genetic Testing, Opinions on Hospital Relations, Opinions on Social Policy Issues, Code of Medical Ethics, Human Rights in Health, Biomedical Research... And.. . End of Life Issues?! Pening, pening... Okay, seriously I don't think I'm mentally prepared yet. Like okay, Biomedical Research? Er. Er... Okay... So instead I search for images . Just to get a clearer picture . I must say I found a lot of funny cartoons... In which I didn't really get the joke. I actually have to think real hard to get the message... Seriously, REAL hard. Well I guess doctors must have complicated minds. You know, with all those scientific sciency sciency terms... Eh, but I don...