2.4 km

10th January 2011, Monday. 11 am.
My feet had the shock of their lives!

2.4 kilometers, man! I managed to finish those 6 laps only after 19.02 mins. *sigh* I know, I know... That's a terrible record, especially for a sports science student who is expected to be fit... Okay, to tell the truth, I haven't been running or jogging at all for months! The last time I ran was during the interview, 18th April 2010, where I went through the bleep test. I know... It's like, lamo sangat kan...

Eh eh... Okay why am I posting an incident that happened weeks ago? Eh, it's 25th January already and here I am blogging about something that happened 15 days ago? Oh well... *sigh* Simply because at first I thought it's not really important. And second, because I didn't feel like sharing it publicly before. I was too embarrassed of myself. Seriously. Like, TOTALLY embarrassed. Ahah! But now, I believe that that 2.4 km test was really really important and that I really really should remember it. Because that actually gave me a reality check. 24/7 being in the water is not enough. I HAVE TO include land activities. Like running, and jogging. And hitting the gym. To build muscles.

Okay back to the story... I only managed to run continuosly for two laps, and then the rest I walk run walk run walk run. And then, walk walk walk walk. It's now proven that a new pair of running shoes couldn't guarantee great performance...

Finishing the fifth lap, my lecturer who was also the time keeper actually thought I finished all six laps already. He was all ready to take the time. Heh. So you can imagine how slow I am... Oh, by the way, eventhough I know we're about to have the 2.4 km test, I still had on eyeliners, mascara, a little tint of lippie, and yeah, blushers. But by the end of the test, I must say everything was blended. No more pink pink here, pink pink there. Everything was simply blended. Blended.

I love the fact that I'm sweating like mad, though. I rarely sweat. While swimming kan I'm already in the water, so I didn't get the chance to feel all sweaty while swimming. Though my heart was beating faster, but no, I didn't feel sweaty and all. Sweating is sexy. OMG. Such a statement! Ahahah...

But seriously, people, sweating and the heart beating like crazy is simply the best thing ever! Don't you just feel good? Well, I know I do. And I promised myself to test myself again and set a better record.
Hitam gelap. Sunburned. Trust me. I did put on a WHOLE LOAD of sunblock...


ED said…
Oh gelap tambah your black shirt...sure BLEND-in the background like camuoflage! Good job, Bash! I don't think I can even complete 2.4km test. Might faint on the way! Salute!!!!
khairul naem said…
hahaha.. best bukan.. berlari tu seronok.. sbb rase peluh dier keluar.. need traineer?? call me.. hahahaha
Erik said…
Great! Keep it up! :D

I, myself, am a lousy swimmer ... But I do run a lot!

(If you own an iPod, I heartily recommend Nike+.)
Bashtiah said…
Ed: ED...! OMG you sengal gila lah! Hahahah... I purposely wore black so that when I got sunburned it's not really obvious. Eheh...

Naem: Yup yup I do need a trainer. To motivate! :)

Erik: Thank you! We're the exact opposite, then. I really am a lousy runner, I could trip anytime, seriously... Hahah..

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