is a scary place to go. Well, for me, that is.

Went to the university's gym last Tuesday. I thought it's a Ladies Night so yeah, with full ease, without worry, I went with a friend of mine. But eh, as we arrived I saw loads of guys outside. Eh I thought it's Ladies Night? Oh rupanya bukan... Tomorrow night is the the Ladies Night. Yay. Total joy... Honestly, I began to freak out. BIG TIME.

Dup.dap.dup.dap.dup.dap.dup.dap...dupdapdupdapdupdap! *The heart is beating faster*

As we passed by the gym, I could see the inside *intai-intai* between the curtains. Full of guys, man! Like OMG! Dupdapdupdapdupdap... Scary, I tell you... But the gym is nice, though. It looked clean and well equipped, a big contrast to the building itself. From the outside, it looked not more than just an old building, but the inside is just oh-so-cool! Don't judge a book by it's cover, true true...

Seeing from the outside freaks me out big time. Being inside, eventhough only at the lobby, freaks me out MAJOR TIME! Eh no, MEGA TIME okay! Like MEGA MEGA MEGA! *Even thinking about it now makes me nervous*

I immediately zipped close my sweater all the way up until my neck. Why? I'm not sure but at that time I just felt so insecure that I wanted to cover up EVERYTHING! I even wished I was wearing a really big and long hijab. They looked like they were about to crush me into bits with those huge, big, bulky hands!

Imagine this...

Please compare to the Incredible Hulk here...

Lift up and go 'Aaargggh!'. Lift up again and go 'Aaargghh!'

Abang, please stop smiling... You have a really gorgeous smile, but that makes the whole look even scarier!

and here I am.
So tiny they could crush me with only one hand.


khairul naem said…
best right pegi gym?? if pegi dgn someone yg have an experience about the exercise, become more perfect n interesting.. maybe..
Bashtiah said…
Naem: Best jugak sebenarnya... Tapi kena biasakan diri dulu, sekarang belum biasa lagi...
khairul naem said…
hu uh.. kene ade anatomy adaptation dulu.. try la slow2.. ajak mimie tu..

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