Hadiah Hari Guru

Teachers' Day Present.

It's not the Teachers' Day yet but I received a present already. A student of mine gave me this. Aii.... I am certainly so touched! Like, OMG... Terharu sangat~

Honestly, I don't really expect gifts.
But I must say that I am proud that I'm a swimming teacher. Actually, I'm happy that I am a teacher. For me, being a teacher is a really really noble job. I now understood how it feels like to see your students' success. Now I understand why my teachers in school always said the best gift we could ever give her was by simply doing our best to excel.

I still remember I used to think real hard what to give my favourite teacher for Teacher's Day(I ended up buying her an electric kettle so that everytime she use it she would remember me). I wanted to give her something so she would know how much I appreciate her efforts. Simply to show my appreciation.

Now that I've become a teacher myself, I must say, though I am really really happy to receive a gift(I love the bear the most!), I am a thousand time more happy to know that she actually signed up for an advance class! And to know that she still continues swimming was really really really a BIG HUGE joy for me! Okay I might be exaggerating but seriously, I am proud. She was one of my second batch of students and knowing she actually still continues swimming just made me feel SO good... Really.
Now THAT is the best gift ever for a teacher. *Ahem* Focusing on swimming teachers, hello~

Now everytime I felt a bit down and demotivated, I would look at the bear.
Just to remind myself of what I once did that people actually appreciated so much.
Oh. I do feel really good. :)


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