
Showing posts from May, 2018

Fried Enoki Mushroom (cendawan enoki goreng)- Recipe

My mum rarely approved what I cook. Enough said. So when she herself bought the ingredients for me to make again the next day, that means it is really good... And when she bought the ingredients in a bigger quantity for me to make more... It must have been really, really, really good eh. Hehehe. Fried Enoki Mushroom Looked like ketam goreng eh... But nope, they were mushrooms. The ingredients are simple: 1. Enoki mushrooms 2. Campuran Tepung Goreng Rangup Serbaguna Bestari There are two types; Asli and Pedas. I use Asli so that Sofia can eat also. Initially I used only one packet of Enoki mushroom, but for the second time mum bought two. Sedap kan... Honestly, I seriously think the secret lies in the coating mix. The tepung itself tasted good. Already complete with salt, no need to add egg whatsoever. Just add water. How to: 1. Cut off the Enoki Mushroom roots. 2. Tear them apart into strands. 3. Wash them off thoroughly. *Set aside first* Next...

Only biscuits...

My husband brought these home yesterday; the office cafeteria is closing temporarily for Ramadan so they gave away these crackers. Mum upon seeing it, gave me a very meaningful look and laughed her heart out. "HAHAHA! Macam kau jugak Tiah, tapi ni up sikitla- cafe..." I was almost laughing. Heh. Not sure what she was refering to. Ooh.... Yes. It was a sad story la. Back when I was in university, by the end of the semester, when my friends were packing their bags and stuffs, I would take their biscuits. I remembered bringing back home one big bag of biscuits... All sorts of them from not just one friend. From friend A, friend B, friend C... Back then, biscuits is a luxury. Heck, I even did my friend's assignment just to get one Kit Kat Chunky... Later on I had a talk with mum, "Teruk betul kan... Biskut je pun" "Dah tak mampu masa tu, nak buat macamana.." Thank you Allah for always reminding me of the past to make me thankful with wha...

Alone time with mama

Little that I know, Sofia needs some alone time with me... I thought me being at home with her 24/7, is already enough for her. Well, that's what I thought. For her, 24/7 probably meant TOTALLY 24/7.  Not, "Sekejap dengan Uwan ya, mama pergi kitchen"  Or, leaving her with her father from morning 'til noon... Last week, unlike any other weekend, Sofia went out with her father a bit longer than usual. Usually when I left to the pool for class, her father would take her out to the mall or to the shops around our house for a while and came home around noon. Last week, I came home first and had more than 2 hours to myself. They came home very late... And when they do, she was already asleep. Exhausted, she fell asleep inside the car on the way back home... My in-laws came over and stayed around our house. My husband sent me pictures and videos of her having fun. My two sister-in-laws kept her busy playing. Yes, I was definitely glad she had so much fun....

Sofia's first artwork

that I will keep (hopefully) is this, Using watercolours that I bought along with Neslo Ais when I stomped out of the house, leaving her watching YouTube with my mum on my mum's handphone. I was mad at her for wanting to. Also because she was still not tired out after playing in the garden, playing with berudu's (dudu), playing with tanah (nana), gergaji, climbing up the ladder.. I, on the other hand was so exhausted already! Ladies, if you didn't want your kids to be glued to YouTube or the handphone... 1) NEVER introduce it to them. Not even once. 2) NEVER use your handphone in front of them. Those two things are really, the kickstart of it. I rarely let Sofia watch cartoon on my handphone. But my mum did. So whenever my mum's using her handphone, Sofia would come along and ask for it. With her index finger pointing, "tu... tu..." her own way of saying 'satu', for 'one only'. That never ended up only one. More than one. Anyhow, yes...