Alone time with mama

Little that I know, Sofia needs some alone time with me...

I thought me being at home with her 24/7, is already enough for her. Well, that's what I thought. For her, 24/7 probably meant TOTALLY 24/7. 

Not, "Sekejap dengan Uwan ya, mama pergi kitchen" 

Or, leaving her with her father from morning 'til noon...

Last week, unlike any other weekend, Sofia went out with her father a bit longer than usual. Usually when I left to the pool for class, her father would take her out to the mall or to the shops around our house for a while and came home around noon. Last week, I came home first and had more than 2 hours to myself. They came home very late... And when they do, she was already asleep. Exhausted, she fell asleep inside the car on the way back home...

My in-laws came over and stayed around our house. My husband sent me pictures and videos of her having fun. My two sister-in-laws kept her busy playing. Yes, I was definitely glad she had so much fun. Glad they got along well.

Until... I noticed she kept making a scene at home. Okay, about few weeks ago she has already started 'displaying' her emotions. Ah you know, lying down on the floor, guling-guling... Tantrums. But, this one. This one is too often. Seemed like she wasn't satisfied with everything!

It wasn't until we were both inside my bedroom that I realized it... I was going through the magazine, flipping pages by pages... While Sofia taking them all out of the drawer. I was on the bed. Then she climbed the bed to join me. So I went down. She sat in front of me. On the magazine... I gave her the magazine and took another one. Still, she sat in front of me on the magazine.

Tada... That was when I realized. This girl wanted my attention.

So we lie on the bed, just Sofia and me. Tickled her a bit... Peek a boo a bit... And listen to her babble... And then I nursed her to sleep. When she woke up, she looked at me and smiled. Aah...


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