Sofia's first artwork

that I will keep (hopefully) is this,

Using watercolours that I bought along with Neslo Ais when I stomped out of the house, leaving her watching YouTube with my mum on my mum's handphone. I was mad at her for wanting to. Also because she was still not tired out after playing in the garden, playing with berudu's (dudu), playing with tanah (nana), gergaji, climbing up the ladder.. I, on the other hand was so exhausted already!

Ladies, if you didn't want your kids to be glued to YouTube or the handphone... 1) NEVER introduce it to them. Not even once.
2) NEVER use your handphone in front of them. Those two things are really, the kickstart of it.

I rarely let Sofia watch cartoon on my handphone. But my mum did. So whenever my mum's using her handphone, Sofia would come along and ask for it. With her index finger pointing, "tu... tu..." her own way of saying 'satu', for 'one only'. That never ended up only one. More than one.

Anyhow, yes, this artwork, on a box, I will keep it. It is her first time ever using watercolour. And those hand prints, she did them willingly. Of course, the ones that are almost perfect are the ones that I pressed her hand onto. I made sure I had my own handprint also. Just to note that I was there too with her. Haha. If you watched Upin Ipin, you'll know this one episode where they won a wall for them to press their palms onto. By the way, Upin Ipin was the only cartoon she watched attentively... The only time she sat still...

Hopefully I am strong willed enough to keep it. Lately, ever since having Sofia, I started disposing many things. Semak. The more things I keep, the more mess it gets (when Sofia gets her hand on 'em, which is most of the time now)...

I'm pretty sure there will be more watercolour sessions after this. She was more interested in playing with the water inside the cup (to wash the brush) instead of the paints...

Need more courage to get her to stomp her foot on the box, though. Very tempting...

Aah... Finally a blog post eh. 'Til next time!

*picture taken on 25th April 2018. Yes I'm that particular...


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