Burger days
Shared this picture with my bestie. Man, we really miss those burger days! There was this one time during highschool when we decided to sell our own handmade crafts; pompom pencils, pompom keychains, and gift cards during hari koko. I think it's hari koko, can't really remember. We opened a booth under our class, 4 Murni. But truth is, it was a project of only the two of us. Haha. She stayed over at my house, sleptover. We spend the whole night in my pink bedroom making crafts. And when we got hungry in the middle of the night, me made burgers. I made her a burger, grilled on our electric griller, and we both enjoyed our burger in front of the tv, sitting on the floor. That was the FIRST and LAST time I made her a burger. And up til now, she kept on saying it was the best burger she ever had. The burger was just like the one in the picture; daging nipis, cheese sekeping, roti burger apit atas bawah (can't remember got sayur or not). Sebenarnya it wasn't t...