When travelling with Sofia

We went back to Ipoh last week. Sofia seemed happy to finally go out on the trip as I've been packing repacking her stuffs in front of her since days ago (ini baju Sofia, ini seluar Sofia...).

When travelling with a baby, expect the journey to be longer than usual. I learnt that from the very first time going back to Ipoh with Sofia when she was 3 months old. We had to stop a lot of times to change her diaper and also to prepare milk for her.

When packing for a baby, I learnt that everything must have extra. But seriously, until now I'm still not sure how much extra is extra. Ended up extra tak jadi extra pun. Hahahah. Packing for myself and my husband would be; sepasang baju tidur, sepasang baju harian... But for Sofia, it would be; sepasang baju tidur dan extra sepasang, sepasang baju harian dan extra sepasang... Pampers? All this while, so far I managed to pack just enough. Just. Enough. Cukup-cukup je. Kalau ada apa-apa hal lagi jadi, memang dah tak cukup dah. But on our recent trip to Ipoh, sampai rumah je masih ada baki 2 keping lagi. I calculated like this; 1 keping pampers 4 jam. Trip 24 jam (one day trip only), bahagi dengan 4 dapat 6. Jadi 6 keping. So I brought 10 pieces. Extra 4. But ended up baki 2 je tinggal sebab lepas tukar pampers je Sofia pun berakkkkkk....... And we had to stop again. Tak jem sangat pun, yang lebihnya banyak berhenti.

I learnt to be patient. VERY PATIENT. Omg the patience needed, seriously, you really need it. Alhamdulillah, Sofia is getting used to her carseat already. At first I thought I could have my own sweet time playing with my phone while she's in there, but the truth is, not really. In order to get her staying in there, I have to play with her, look at her, make her feel that it is okay to sit there. Except when she's sleeping, then masa tu I got time. But kesian at the driver sitting alone in front pulak. Hahaha. 

Anyhow, I'm starting to get used to travelling with Sofia. It is fun also to see her excited at simple things (that don't really amuse us adults), like kipas and lampu. We brought her to UTC Perak. Out of all things, she was really interested in our rainbow umbrella (it was raining sikit that time). Like, seriously? We brought you to UTC kut. Her father said, "Baik bukak payung kat rumah je..."

Oh. But she got really interested in the huge fan on the ceiling, though. Always the kipas.


Orked said…
sya ingat lagi dlu2 zaman x matang, adam was 3 mo cmtu, sya drive alone dengan adam from putrajaya to perak. dengan kereta terhuyung hayang sbb tersengguk x ckp tido (ep mom time tu) phewww.. gile betol.

sekarang travel dengan dorg best.hehehehe
Bashtiah said…
Oi kerja gila betul..... Nasib baik tak jadi apa-apa... Sekarang Adam pun dah besar kan, mesti seronok :)
mek yunie said…
Mencabarkan travel dengan ank :) Mek ingat time Amani 3months, mek travel pegi cameron. Pegi ok. Dah nak balik jalan cameron kan jem ! Ya Allah memang dia menangis meraung rase mcm kena rasuk. Just because the car is not moving ! And dia rase mcm tk kena ulik --'

That 3months. Mek travel lagi time dia 5months. Thought a bit ok la sebab dah besar kan :) But im not too wrong, but seems not too right either. Dah tk pakai carseat. Dia punya demand kejap nak tido atas tilam, kejap nak tido atas riba --' That time mek travel from kelantan to melaka --' In total dia tidur 8times. Memang kesian dekat driver --'
dorsett pink said…

kalau selalu bawak anak-anak kecil travel since diaorang kecil, diaorang akan jadi biasa untuk travel and tak meragam bila terpaksa berjalan jauh. macam FL she is so behave bila travel either naik flight or car
Bashtiah said…
Uih... Kelantan ke Melaka???? Gila la Mek! Kesian kat baby, kesian kat driver juga... Bila baby bising, nak drive pun tak senang hati kan..
Bashtiah said…
Yeke... Itu i perasan sekarang dia dah makin okay dalam carseat. I selalu baca your blog for tips travel dengan anak kecil.
Cici said…
hahah selalu kalau travel jauh, balik kampung I bawak 1 bag pampers yang belum bukak. penuh kete dengan barang dorang je. well I jalan dengan my parents and dorang jenis lagi baik bawak lebih dari tak cukup. hahahah
Bashtiah said…
Hoi banyak gila bawak pampers! I masih lagi berkira-kira je nak bawak berapa banyak.. Selalu pun cukup-cukup je...

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