Wordless Wednesday: HERSHEY'S perfect chocolate chip cookies

One more new recipe tried out! Hehehe... Two out of ten new recipes to try out in 2017 already done! Just follow the instructions at the Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Chip packaging. I added rolled oats and walnuts.


Orked said…
style nye bash. rajinnyeeeee...

sya beli, rajin la. huhu
Bashtiah said…
Nak beli tapi takut tak cukup.... hahahhaha.
mek yunie said…
Cookies sedap ! Tapi mek takde oven nk baked --' putus harapan
dorsett pink said…
good job bash.. saya malas nak buat baking2 ni. hehe
Bashtiah said…
Hm kalau ada oven macam-macam boleh buat.. tapi ada juga kuih yang kukus je :)
Bashtiah said…
Kadang-kadang je DP bila datang mood.. hahahha
Cici said…
rajinnya babe. memula I baca 10 recipe. terkejut i. hahaha

Raya tak lama lagi babeee. nak datang raya boleh. hahahaa
Bashtiah said…
Gigih kan nak 10 resepi... heheheh. Boleh jela Cici, bawak Maira, Ash, ngan Lihin sekali.

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