Stop feeding me!
Makan banyak salah, tak makan banyak also salah. At 37 weeks now, I weigh 49.5 kg. In just two weeks time, I gained 1.5 kg. I was surprised but at the same time happy at my weight gain. I thought I did a good job in growing myself/ the baby. Drinking milk and all. Until I went in to see my doctor and she ran a scan to check Baby A's weight. Baby A is now 2.9 kg... She gained a good 400 g in just two weeks. My doctor said I have to make sure the baby didn't grow so big as it will be hard for me to push her out. I'm such a small person that a big baby may leave me no choice other than go for cesarean. Deep inside, I was blaming my husband and this one male doctor I met. The doctor told me to add another 10 kg, at that moment I just gained a freaking 3 kg in just one month (yes, minum air gula thank you). Mak already advised not too have a big baby, susah nak teran ah lelaki tau apa bukan dorang yang beranak... And my previous doctor also advised the sam...