Pocket tissue and baby wipes

Finally, Iz and I managed to go out together to buy stuffs for the baby, and me. We've been planning several times already; with me initiating it, and me, also, the one cancelling it. I would text him earlier to ask him out after work to get stuffs, but then I would be the one calling it off because 1) my feet got so swollen or 2) I was so exhausted.

There was this one time, I was all set. I get ready early. The plan was to go out straight away after he came back from work. He would drop by just to pick me up. About 10 minutes before he left his office, I feel it coming. Oh, man... Not again! I feel my body so weak, legs hurting so bad. Urgh! I called him up and cancelled our plan... No can do. I was so exhausted I didn't even feel like going downstairs. Asked him to get me pizza (I ate a lot of pizza during this pregnancy period, seriously) and we watched Bangraji Bhaijaan together on YouTube.

So, finally, last Saturday, we managed to go out. The whole day. From morning to 4 pm, and then continue at night, until the shop closed at 10 pm. 

Done shopping, we had late night dinner at a kopitiam. A blind man came to our table to sell pocket tissue. We must have had a long day shopping for baby stuffs; looking at the pocket tissue on the table, we both agreed, even the pocket tissue looked like baby wipes...


Orked said…
teringat time pregnant dulu, start dengan morning sickness maha terok, but once morning sickness stop, energy datang kawkaw bash. tak tau how to handle those energy, sya channel kan ke baby expo, kids/maternity fair, baby warehouse sale, sogo clearance sale, etc.

hahahahahaha. serious, in laws sume pon pelek kenapa ligat naw. hahahahhahaha
rindu pulak time pregnant. hks.
Bashtiah said…
Uish yeke, sya. Bestnya ada energy jalan-jalan! Bash memang tak ada morning sickness teruk-teruk, tu yang bila third trimester ni rasa lembik sangat...

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