Big foot

Last night my feet was so swollen it looked like Big Foot! I know my feet has grown a bit as my shoe felt so tight already, but last night, it became bigger than usual! And this morning, my fingers were swollen. I kept looking at my fingers in disbelief. Whoa... Seriously. My feet was so swollen it looked cute. Gemuk-gemuk comel, jari kaki ketot.

During my previous trip to the hospital for a check up, I did notice most of the ladies have swollen feet. So kembang... I never thought it would happen to me. Just because I went through quite a smooth first trimester with no morning sickness (well, not as bad as most people I know), I thought I'll get away with other symptoms as well. Nope. Say hello to third trimester.


Orked said…
sya pon!! hahahaha

take pictures, keep them. this entry makes me mishhhh my swollen feet so much la Bash! hahahaha.

btw, selamat hari raya bash and family :)
Bashtiah said…
Sya! Thanks for reminding! Seriously lupa nak amik gambar. Siang-siang tak bengkak sangat. Malam... Fuh.

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