Masker Muka Tahun Baru
Elder brother went to watch fireworks. Younger brother also went to watch fireworks. Mother daughter left alone at home... What to do, what to do... We did girly girl things-lah, of course! Okay, not really thing s, only one thing actually. We made our own face mask ! It's really really easy to make, seriously. And it leaves your skin softer (touching skin) , smoother, and brighter! Well, at least that's what it does to my face. And mum's face, too( I didn't touch her face but she told me so... So yeah, that's that) . So well, basically you'll need tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, and milk powder. You blend together the tomatoes, ccucumber, and the carrots first, then you add in milk powder. Kacau kacau kacau, there you go. Siap! Tepek tepek tepek di muka, let it dry, then wash it off. Say hello to beautiful, soft skin! Oh, now what to do with the mixture remainings? Sure you didn't have a face as big as a gorilla, right. Store the remnants in a freezer, oka...