First Semester Examination Result

I'm still a student. And of course as a student blogger I'd write about my examination result, right? Right...

Okay seriously honestly truly, because it was the very very first semester, I actually hoped for more than only 3.53, eh no, 3.35. Tapi tapi tapi, I AM SO THANKFUL I PASSED ALL SUBJECTS! So that I don't have to repeat any subjects. Because you see... Sudahlah umur sudah lanjut, baruuu semester satu degree. Kalau ada repeat lagi kan, lambat habis and you know, nanti lambat kahwin. Ahahahah! Just joking.

SMG 101, ooh SMG 101. If only I did a credit exemption on you earlier, confirm I dapat Dean's List okayy... *OMG berlagak gila perempuan ni* But seriously, calculated calculated calculated, if, I made a credit exemption, I could get 3.61! Aiyak aiyak!

But anyway anyhow... If I didn't learn Sports Organization in the first place, I wouldn't know until know where the heck is Jabatan Belia dan Sukan Negara (it's in Putrajaya, by the way). And I wouldn't met all those wonderful people working there. I wouldn't be really clear of the sports industry too.

For some reason, the past semester all my group assignments just had to be with the same guys. I began to change my perception of guys. I used to think "lelaki pemalas, paling susah diharap buat assignment". Okay okay okay guys, don't hate me just yet! These three guys... Boleh diharap buat assignment. JUJUR ni.

Hoping for the best for next semester!


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