Sebenarnya okay je

On making full use of what you have... and being thankful, too.

A shot of my loofah plant taken using my Samsung Galaxy A02S handphone.

Gotta state the handphone model because I felt guilty. All these while, ever since I purchase it, I always look down on it. Pandang enteng... 

Because...There was this one time... I decided to get a haircut together with Sofia. A mother-daughter, girly girl trip... Just the two of us, before I gave birth. Took some shots... Back home...


Now you know why I don't trust this phone.

My previous phone is Samsung Galaxy Note 9... And before that, I used Note 3. Memangla so sharp the pictures... The Note 9's touch screen suddenly stopped working earlier this year, sometime around Chinese New Year. I remembered because I went to IOI to buy a new one and we got a CNY gift.

To get the LCD screen repaired would cost at least RM 1k. A freaking ONE THOUSAND RINGGIT... at least... Ugh. So I thought, I'll just get a new one.

So I did. But I set my mind that I will only buy a phone that is within my budget at the moment. Which means, no more Galaxy Note series. Hence, Galaxy A02S. Then I traded in the Note 9 for RM 200, so basically I paid only around RM 300 for a new phone.

I really don't think much of this handphone that I didn't even bother to get a screen protector.. or casing.. Another reason is because it has just been released for a few months so basically the casing isn't out for sale at gadjet shops.

Looking at the picture of my loofah plant. Sharp jugakla... I'm impressed. So sebenarnya okay je.



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