Officially 2!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Sofia!

Yeayyy... Finally, mama can have all the caffeine in the world anytime, anywhere without any feeling of guilt! Hehehe... I chose to let her self-wean, in which I will not offer/ offer less but will not refuse if she asked for it.

I know some mothers who used various ways to wean-off their child... Putting things on the nipples so their child will have a bad taste of it... Ignoring when the child asked for it... Simply telling them off when they asked for it... But not me. I tried so hard to get her to fully breastfeed (started fully bf her only when she was 6 months)... I'm not cutting it off just like that. And I don't want her to have a bad memory of what she used to love.

BUT that doesn't mean I have to supply as much as before... Hahaha. So yeah, I don't have to control aka restrict my caffeine consumption anymore... Hoorey!

Just a slice of cake. A small celebration 31/7. I love this picture coz it got almost everything to be remembered. The seahorse at the back, my mum's present for her, and the microphone from my husband and I.

We had a small celebration at our office. Hm. Basically because everyone was busy. Just my mum, my husband, and I. But she was really happy. Like duh... Hahaha. Who wouldn't? Dapat kek okay. Hadiah some more.

Sofia turning two... About a month before her birthday... Super duper clingy. My husband pointed out maybe this is the separation phase. Since she will no longer be latching nursing on me so this is the phase where she is learning to let go... Which resulted in carrying her 24/7, cannot go anywhere seriously... Cannot talk to other people while attending to her also...

Anyhow. She is now a toddler. A part of me look forward to sending her to a playschool, but another part of me feel like having her to myself at home.


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