
Dealing with more than one task at the same time.

Had to do some work on the phone; replying enquiries, posting updates on the business page, check students' class schedule for the weekend... And with this little girl around, I just had to let her play with hangers and simply make a mess while I steal some time. But of course, once all the hangers were down on the floor... Let's check out what mummy is up to...

(Taking this photo while standing on a table... Flat lay habis....)

I needed more time... 

So... I picked up all the hangers and put them back on the sofa, neatly (made sure it is reachable for her to take)... 

Oh well, at least I didn't gave her a handphone or tablet kan. Eyes on the phone, eyes on the hangers... Multitasking la tu kan? While working, jaga anak.


mek yunie said…
hahahha. bash, dah bole start bagi ebook dekat dia. so dia akan learn and play :)
Bashtiah said…
Mek, bash bagi buku yang ada bunyi and pattern boleh rasa je dulu. Nanti lah baru ebook.

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