Sofia's first flight to KK

On flying for the first time with a 9 months old baby.

Sofia's first flight to Kota Kinabalu! Seriously, I was so damn nervous about taking her on a plane. Everytime when we were having a car ride, and she wouldn't stay still in her car seat, I thought to myself, 'Macam manalah dalam kapal terbang nanti....' Seriously, even going back to Ipoh (kejap-kejap berhenti) already got me so tired. I kept on thinking, how on earth am I going to get her to stay still inside the plane? The main thing that makes me anxious was because I didn't want to disturb hundreds of passengers inside the plane... If we're traveling by car on our own, we didn't really mind her crying (in despair) in the car seat as it's for her safety jugak. Public parenting... Aih.

4 days 3 nights in Kota Kinabalu with Sofia for the first time... There's just so much to write about! So I'm going to divide it into categories like motherhood/ parenting, things to buy, accommodation, transportation, and whatever categories I feel like doing. It was my first time to Kota Kinabalu too, btw.

Now, this one is about traveling by flight with a baby.

Well, I guess I worried too much... Heheh. She slept throughout the flight! And so well behaved too! Not the whole 2 hours plus journey, but she did sleep most of the time. Especially during take off and landing, the two crucial times people said babies will cry because that was when they will feel uneasy; telinga berdengung and stuff. Nope. She slept through it all. And when she wasn't, we kept her busy by feeding her with a banana.

 I tried out some tips that I read from Google and Instagram (especially @theyusufiskandar, tqsm Hanis!). Here I am sharing some of 'em that worked for me.

Don't take out everything all at once.
They were called 'emergencies'. Hahah. Things to keep your baby occupied. At one time, we took out Caterpillar. Later on, we took out Duck (a small rubber ducky, not duck fashionvalet). There was this one time, we were making Sofia busy with Caterpillar when suddenly Iz wanted to take out Duck. I was so alarmed I immediately reminded him, ONE. BY. ONE. Okay.

Board the plane at the very last minute.
During our departure at KLIA 2, our seating was at the very back. Number 25 D, 25 E, and 25 F (together with my brother). Technically those at the back, bahagian ekor would have to board the plane early, but we delayed our time (changed her diapers on the floor at the waiting area) and we were the very last to enter the plane. Of course, we asked my brother to set up the place (hand luggage all set already). So by the time we were inside the plane, we didn't have to wait long until take off. Reduced the time Sofia being inside the plane. By the time we were seated, she was already ready to latch and rest. Resulted in her tidur mati during the noisy take off... Hahahah.

Keep your hands free.
This, is by far the most useful tip I've read so far. Changed my decision from bringing two backpacks (my husband and I each) to only one backpack and one sling bag. Since we put Sofia in a carrier, I figured (more like imagined beforehand) that one of us must have a free shoulder. Hahahah apa punya ayat 'free shoulder' but whatever. And I am so glad because eventhough Iz had to carry Sofia, he could still carry the sling bag. Leaving my hands free to play with Sofia or help her out of the carrier or take out our ID's and tickets from the bag.

Be shameless.
Okay. This one, I added on my own. Seriously, muka tak tahu malu will get you far in caring for a baby. I actually, really, crawled on the floor chasing Caterpillar with Sofia at the departure area. Gedek gedek gedek the caterpillar went across the hallway (people still waiting outside because the doors weren't open yet)... Yes I CRAWLED in my palazzo. And, I even ran away from the Caterpillar. We were playing kejar-kejar, okay. Being a shameless mum, I succeeded in making Sofia so happy during the 40 minutes delay to KLIA 2.

Caterpillar also naik flight. This was taken during our flight to KK. Masa preparing for Sofia's Trip to Sabah Packing List, I listed her first toy, Nyiau Nyiau to bring along. Well, that was in February. Come May, Caterpillar is her favourite toy. Sorry, Nyiau Nyiau! Caterpillar, si penyelamat.

Terlebih bawa is better, in any case.
Food, baju, diapers... BAWAK EXTRA! I remembered Cici (Mumbling Mummy) had once said she would buy one new pack of diapers for traveling. I kind of laughed at that. Hoi melampau satu pek. Anyway, I brought a lot of dresses for Sofia to wear to the kenduri (oh we went to Sabah for a family event btw), ended up she only wore one. Kebetulan, her diapers memang dah nak habis. So we thought, oh it's okay we'll just buy some overthere.

HAHAHA TERSALAH BELI SEBAB NAK PACK KECIK. Dry pants okay, dry pants. Sudahlah Huggies already expensive, Dry Pants pulak... Double expensive. Okay, at first us both laki bini when using it, we were like 'Wah senangnya... Senang betul kerja orang kaya ni...' Yela, simply slip on je. Yeah right... When she pooped... How to take it off without poop terkeluar? Berselupat her legs with poop... OMG. Tapi, it was really helpful when traveling and you got to change her diapers that instant. Slip on je kata...

Kenyang perut suka hati!

We went to Nando's to buy food for Sofia. See the mashed potato? Yup, that one. She didn't ate much pun. But it was really good, you should try it next time you go to Nando's. Anyway, I must admit I wasn't well prepared in this sense... Sofia was just 9 months so I haven't tried giving her much varieties. She was also still feeding on formula milk (now Alhamdulillah fully bf, I'll share more about this when I have the time) although not as often as before. The main staple food that I brought for her was couscous. Because it was easy to prepare; just add boiling water. And then simply add bananas or avocados (di Sabah kan murah). But... It was only in Sabah that I realized, Sofia ialah penggemar nasi.

So to her, couscous hanyalah snek. Iz searched I think two or three mcD's around KK for Bubur Ayam McD... Yes I feed her fastfood omg. See what happen when you are not prepared? You just give anything. Anything. Although the apartment we stayed had a kitchen but there wasn't a blender. So the option to cook porridge for Sofia in KK never occured to me until I saw porridge on the stove. Guess what? Mum cooked AVOCADO porridge! And she cooked it until the rice was really mushy. Again... Oh boleh eh masak bubur dengan avocado? 

Okay, I kind of forgot what are the other things. Or if there really are other things. Because omg this happened like... THREE MONTHS AGO?! Hahahah. Busy mum biasalah. Anyhow, I'll just edit this post in case I remembered more stuffs.

Til next time. Heh.


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