The best trick ever
Something I got from watching Al-Kuliyyah last week, Ustaz Elyas Ismail. Got it? Keep yourself busy by doing good things until you are too tired/ exhausted to do bad things. It's not about keep doing good things until you are so used to it, but more to keeping yourself busy and using up all your energy. Like, using up all your voice to recite the Quran until no more voice to gossip. Can ah? Anyway, that, worked really well on me once. Except the fact that I made myself busy with something else to avoid from doing another thing. I like to text message (zaman sms, no whatsapp) my then boyfriend; who is now my husband, about almost everything. Bercerita. Telling him about how I misplaced my purse, what I think of the economy (cewah), and all sorts of things. Well, lelaki. He didn't quite like that. One of his point that I remembered until now is, "Kalau cerita semua sekarang, nanti lepas kahwin takde benda nak cerita dah" Sentap. So I thought okay fine I ...