Sahur 1 Ramadan 1438H

My first day of sahur as a mother.

Went to the kitchen at about 4.30am... The plan was to prepare sahur first while my husband sleeps with Sofia. Sambil prepare sambil curi-curi makan; mothers must be expert at this... Like my mum had once said, "Kalau nak duduk mengadap makan memang tak dapatla..."

Bila dah siap, tukar shift. That was the plan. I just placed a piece of chicken on my plate when my husband appeared with Sofia behind my back. Yes, appeared. Sebab tak perasan pun weh bila masa bangun ni! I thought I could have my sahur in peace; okay not really in peace because still have to hurry up. But you know, without Sofia. HAHA. In your dreams. She just smiled at me, as if saying 'Oh sini rupanya mama....'

I prepared 2 oz of formula milk just in case (I'm still struggling to fully breastfeed her). To my relieve, she refused to. I'm glad, because at night usually she would just latch on.

Anyway, I had rice, a cup of Milo, and two dates. I'm trying to set my mind that this is enough for me to go through the day with a nursing baby. Selamat menyambut Ramadan, everyone! Let's get the best out of this month!


Orked said…
sofia bangun sahur sekaliiii ke?? alolo comel. adam- sleep macam champion. orang sahur die selambe tido. heaven! hahahahahahahahahhaa
Hsna Rahman said…
selamat menyambut ramadhan!

juga moga dapat meneruskan BF sofia dengan lancar dan penuh bertenaga even bulan puasa
Cici said…
rice je ke? tapi Milo tu bagus untuk bagi energy sepanjang hari lah kan. kira okay dah tu. This is my 1st day puasa. so I macam mamai , nak touch pintu office pakai kertas -__- , salah itu salah ini. hahaha
Bashtiah said…
Haah... Sama-sama nak join sekaki makan pulak tu.. hahahha
Bashtiah said…
Terima kasih.. Amin, amin.. Selamat berpuasa juga ya! Eh dah nak penghujung pun.. heheh
Bashtiah said…
Hahahahha! Alahai... Kesian mummy 😅😅😅

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