Top Commentor Dorsett Pink!

Alhamdulillah, I won!

The results were already announced on her blog last January, but I purposely waited for the prize to arrive before writing about it. Senang cerita sekali harung je... It was my first time entering a blog competition. And man, I was so determined to win! I really focused on winning until I did some research. Hahahah! Padahal I don't even have a single idea what the prize is. My husband joked saying who knows the prize is a ticket to Legoland... Padahal tak siapa pun minat Lego. But the joked stayed. Everytime I'm on the phone he kept on telling Sofia that mama's busy winning a ticket for us to Legoland. Yea right.

Okay. So, at first my strategy on winning was to read up all the posts that I found interesting and relatable to me like pregnancy, breastfeeding, and crafts. I dropped only one comment per entry. No matter how long the entry is, I only dropped one comment. I read the whole thing and commented on almost everything (kalau banyak masa). But only in one comment box. I managed to get first place in just two days I think. Hehehe. I was so happy. And confident I would win. I was also exhausted as well. Gila membaca gila komen.

Until one day... Jari Manis. She beat me. I was surprised how could she comment so much in a short time! Suddenly I became so competitive. The lion in me revealed itself. I suddenly became so fierce and outraged oh noooo I'm in second place now! I panicked. I did my research how in the world could this Jari Manis potong me so fast. I found out she commented a lot for just one blog post. One comment even had just one sentence!

Heh. Macamtu eh. Oh-kay...

And so I started doing the same thing! OMG I WAS REALLY DETERMINED TO WIN THAT LEGOLAND TICKET. I thought it was easy, ala one sentence per paragraph cukup. But I was so wrong. I had to read up carefully and think what to comment.

And I succeeded! Tapi panas tak sampai ke petang, hujan di tengahari... Hahahah. Suddenly at the Top Commentors list, two of them are my name. I pointed it out to DP (in a separate comment box, of course) and she said nevermind it will get back to normal eventually. I was like, eh mana boleh! What if the one yang ranking bawah tu yang kekal in the list. Yes I was that serious.

Everytime I dropped a comment, I would refresh the page and see if the numbers increase. And if it did, which one did. DP must be laughing reading this. I am really serious about winning, DP... But somehow the numbers didn't increase. Then I thought, it's okay maybe it needs time. Chill dulu. Then suddenly one day, I noticed that my number of comments decreased! I was dumbfounded, really. I gave up, then. Only commenting when I feel like commenting; not commenting for the sake of winning. I was ready to hand the trophy to Jari Manis...

But when DP announced the winner... Both of us won! Hahahahahahah! Thank you so much DP for noticing my effort!

A huge parcel arrived and I found out from the address that we live quite near to each other. You could've just delivered it by hand je, DP. There were a lot of good stuffs in it and I liked each one of it.

Thank you, DP!


mek yunie said…
Waaa giler bersungguh nak menang 😝 Tapi memang mek perasan, kalau ade yg nk top commentors menang, memang kebanyakan buat cam tu 😰 (Actually, mek tak sokong that way 😴)
Bashtiah said…
Hehehehe... Mula-mula macam taknak buat macamtu. Tapi last2 buat jugak.. peer pressure 😜
dorsett pink said…
hehhe. sorry bash, i baru je baca entry ni.. thank you so much for entering this contest right... thank you also sebbab sukakan hadiah saya tu...
dorsett pink said…
Ticket to Legoland??? hahahhaha... i dont think so sebab saya pun tak pernah pergi ke legoland. hehehe
Cici said…
tahniah babe , I'm aiming on that pink lotion. is it BBW? 0,0
Bashtiah said…
Sama-sama, DP 😊
Bashtiah said…
Hahahaha... Mana tau untuk next contest ke.. heheheh.
Bashtiah said…
Tq Cici! Haah, Bath and Body Works. Sedap bau dia 😊

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