My first TV shoot | Chiki Boom


Yes, I'll be on tv! OMG seriously it took me quite some time to settle down. Like, to finally digest what happened few days ago. I was still anxious, excited, terkesima, what else? It still hadn't really occur to me that thousands of people will be watching me in my swimsuit.

Yeah, I'll be on tv in my swimming suit. So if you wanna see me in action in my swimming suit, tune in to TV2 on Sunday 10am around May.

Boom boom chiki chiki boom~ Seriously, I couldn't really believe it when mum said RTM wanted to shoot at our centre. Coz come on... We just opened our centre July last year. Belum setahun lagi and you wanna put us on tv?

But well, yes. Alhamdulillah. They came to recce our centre, even came another time during class to see how we conducted our class. There is something unique about our training style that got them attracted.

I NEVER EXPECTED TO BE THE ONE ON TV. Along the way, we IRenang team kept on discussing how our founder/ head instructor aka my mum should do it. It will be our very first TV debut so technically the boss should do it. A DAY BEFORE THE SHOOT, something happened and I HAD TO REPLACE THE BOSS... Such a bidan terjun!

I couldn't sleep the whole night. Everytime I close my eyes I would think of the script. And I think my anxiousness must have affected Sofia because she woke up a few times and cried (loudly) that night. I woke up feeling drowsy and still nervous.

Well, how did the shoot went? I must say, now, watching tv is never the same like before. I would think and imagine how many takes these hosts took to finally get it right. I laughed watching those two hosts repeating again and again and again the scene under the blazing sun. Hahahah!

It was really a good experience, seeing people shoot for a tv programme. How even the slightest noise would affect the whole process. Honestly I am so thankfull our cats didn't meow... Not even a cute shriek!

Before starting the scene on camera, we ran through the dialogue first. Sitting at the lobby, on our sofa, I guess I am more relaxed. I explained about survival swim clearly; their hosts Abang Nadhir and Amber played a good part. Looking so attentive, I feel confident. All done, we were off to play the scene on camera. Oh guess what? I actually asked if they will be taking a full shot, because if it is only a half body shot, I'll just wear this sandal (which is actually a selipar jepun... The one yang ada lubang-lubang dan bunyi shrik shrik...). Omg seriously la Bashtiah...

Ended up I have to change into my swimming attire as they will interview me in it. Being out of the water in my swimming suit and in front of the camera stripped my confidence. I felt insecure. Dahla baru lepas beranak, I still haven't get back to that fit body I have before... Dan dahla tiba-tiba have to replace the boss. Akibatnya amik kau, I stuttered. And yeah, such a lot of takes. Tapi I think not more than five. Kut...

Oh I was so relieved when the interview was finally over! Into the water, into the water we go...! The crew said I was so confident in the water. Hm. Duh... I am, afterall, a swimming instructor. I only focused on getting the host, Amber to swim. Teaching her wholeheartedly and just let them shoot whatever they want.

We also shoot at a public pool. The next session (the same dayyyyy) was at a bigger pool. I really have such high respect to the host, Amber... Such a cute kid yet so tough. Can you imagine swimming back and forth for a good shot? Dahla the same day... But it proves what our teaching method is about, easy to learn, fast result.

Sofia? What about Sofia? Well, my husband took a day off and my in-laws came over to care for her. They brought her to the poolside now and then to see her mama in action. Hahah. She was so well behaved... Such a good kid.

Here are some behind the scene pictures.

Chiki Boom TV2 Sunday 10am!


mek yunie said…
Bash, if dah ade tarikh prog, please announce ye 😍 Nak mark on calendar.
Adam said…
I appreciate if u could share that video,
dorsett pink said…
wow! bash masuk tv... hebatnya
Bashtiah said…
Kalau ada nanti saya share okay.
Bashtiah said…
Baru pertama kali je ni DP 😊
Cici said…
Tahniah Babe, nanti announce the date ye. I buat reminder lagi. TV I tengah rosak -__- now pakai tv kotak 14inch dengan gambo tak clear. hahaha
Bashtiah said…
Tq Cici! Okay dah ada tarikh i announce. Tak pa, hopefully by the time nak keluar nanti tv dah okay 😊

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