I kept this in a box. Baru-baru ni berkemas, mum took it out and washed it. Okay lah, simpanlah simpan... Mum graduated from UiTM, too. Usaha takwa mulia...
There was this one time, we were getting ready to meet a representative from an agency. Something important for the business. The thing is, going out now is so not like the good ol bujang days. With Sofia, I had to bathe her, feed her, pack her drinks, diapers, napkin, wet wipes... Baru boleh bertolak. But since we had to rush, I didn't bathe her. After feeding her breakfast, we were all set to go. I thought we were early enough. Well, no. The representative left already. We could have just go to their office but Sofia wouldn't cooperate. Bath time, hello? Mama, it's bath time! I know I shouldn't give up, but I did. We went straight home and in my mind I told myself, 'Ah forget it. I'll just focus on Sofia for now. When you're older, I'll do what I want'. Because if I didn't set my mind like that I'd get stressed and let it out on her. I have finally realised (after many times) that I'd get stressed if I didn't get what I want. ...
Initially the plan was to just accompany mum to get a steel rack for her pots. Somehow the stroller (a used one someone gave us) got stuck so we planned on getting a new stroller for Sofia as well. Nearly 4 months of not going to the mall, I feel so awkward! Is it because now I'm carrying a baby or what? I feel like everyone's watching me and Sofia. Apahal pandang-pandang. Seriously, rasa sangat janggal. And that, was on a Wednesday, weekdays yang tak ramai orang pun. I had to carry Sofia all the way until we got her a stroller. Going up the escalator while holding Sofia close to my chest make me feel so gayat I can fell my legs shaking. Legs spread apart to maintain balance. Siapa yang naik lif mengangkang? Hahaha... Whatever, janji selamat. Oh by the way, we didn't go straight to buy a stroller. Singgah Toys R Us dulu haa... I am one excited mother. I showed Sofia a lot of toys; pushing the buttons and see how she reacted. She was wide awake and so alert, eyes wi...
On bathing Sofia. My first baby, Sofia, is 10 months old now. She would turn 11 end of this month. And I'm still adapting. Though I can see myself improving in managing and caring for her, especially my patience level has gotten a bit higher now, I still lose temper sometimes. Like what just happened during bath time. Bathing Sofia went through a lot of changes as she grew older. From in a small basin, to a bigger basin, to a baby bathtub, to a portable baby pool, and now, I resolved to just bathe her in the kitchen sink. I was happy with the latest one. Simply fill in the sink with water, sat her down in it, and let her play with the faucet; water dripping sikit-sikit. BUT LATELY.... SHE DOESN'T WANT TO SIT! She would hang to me, those tiny fingers grabbing my shirt. So tell me how am I going to wash her upper body. Okay, for a few times I could still keep my calm. Tak apa, I'll just cup some water and wash over her body. Tapi susah pulak for her hair. So...