Thank you, commentors

Just a short, quick, simple post. Typing this quickly so I can post it now and then (Sofia tidur).

I still haven't replied to the comments on my previous posts but I already read each one of them. When it is published, that means that I have read it. Well, sometimes I already read it in my e-mail but haven't published it. My point is, I do read each one of the comments.

And I really appreciate it. Being a first time mother, I find myself being confused and in doubt most of the time. Well, judging from my previous post (OMG I just love this kid); siapa yang tak sayang anak oi?!

But, comments from the mothers I received actually kept me sane. There were full time stay at home mothers, full time working mothers, part time working mothers, and even mothers who are studying (hi, dorsett pink!). And there were also those who send their children to nurseries, those who dropped their children off at their parents' house, and those who simply stay at home and care for their children on their own. Mothers in every form. Haha.

I get to view the life of a mother from a lot of angle. And this actually keeps me going. So, thank you. Thank you for dropping comments. It means a lot to me.


Adam said…
I just found your blog so there is no comment from me earlier. Usually my comment is not a conversation but an invitation to change perspective and selling ideas. Any how response is still required in every comment.
Orked said…
hehehe. comel bash. we, mommehh naik boat sama ramai-ramai. bhahahahahhaa
Bashtiah said…
Thanks for dropping your first comment, then! Keep commenting.
Bashtiah said…
Yes high five sikit!
mek yunie said…
Kan ;) masing masing ade cara sendiri :) not only working mommy. Dunia blog colourful - takde kat social media lain ;)
Bashtiah said…
Betul. Tak sama macam Facebook. Sebab tu bash kembali berblogging :)
dorsett pink said…
Hye Bash. hehe (thanks for indicated me inside your entry. hihi)
dorsett pink said…
Tak sama erk macam Facebook? hahahha. i do not know 'coz i dont have ant FB account
Bashtiah said…
Awh you're welcome :)
Bashtiah said…
Bagusnya tak ada facebook... Kadang semak juga banyak social media account ni. Well facebook rasa rimas sikit nak taip banyak-banyak.. hahahah
Cici said…
me too babe.

I baca semua comment kekadang tak sempat balas. sebab I tak sign in pun -___- sambil buat kerja sambil scroll comment.

entry pun kekadang schedule entry. and semua type cepat cepat sebab client dah bising.
Bashtiah said…
Ye ah u mesti lagi banyak kan sebab client request lagi kan... Blogger kental u ni, Cici 👍

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