Bye bread mixer

My younger brother has been bugging mum about the old bread mixer stuck at the corner of our house.

"Mak, mixer tu kat situ dari hari nikah kakak lagi"
"Hah, sampailah ke hari nikah kau pulak..."

Spot on, mum. Spot on. So, we made arrangements with Mr Tan paper lama kau kau pu cik. He promised to come another day along with his son. The mixer was so heavy it needed three person to carry it to the lorry.

My younger brother and I were so relieved to see it finally go. Not really sure about mum though (kenangan masa buka bakeri dulu). We received only RM 20 for everything except the aquarium and Mici the cat. No one really mind about the amount, actually. In fact, we almost forgot about taking the money. 

Mr Tan's comment,
"Nak buang barang pun susah... Hahaha"


Cici said…
hehehe kan. jual barang lama ni buat syarat je. kekadang tv lama yang besau tu dapat rm10 je pun. kami selalu hantar kat kedai besi buruk. on the way back lepak mamak, habis rm10 tu hahaha

kumpul bebanyak macam berbaloi la sikit. mmacam ada nak jual ni
dorsett pink said…
nasib baik uncle tu nak ambik
Bashtiah said…
Haah selalu juga kumpul banyak-banyak tapi tetap dapat sikit je kadang-kadang... hahaha
Bashtiah said…
Kan... dia nak ambil pun dah kira bagus.
mek yunie said…
Syg oiii nak buang barang lame sebab tu susah nk buang :)
Bashtiah said…
Hehehhe.. betul. Sayang....

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