Wordless Wednesday: New shoes

Bought a new pair of shoes! Yes I went shopping! After nearly 4 months weh.... And yes I immediately wore the shoes. Felt so embarrassed when putting those sandals inside the box on top of their counter, though. Oh, those sandals was actually a gift from my husband when we first got married. "Kasut pergi kolam", he said.


Anisa Anuar said…
Khas utk pergi kolam je eh... Hehehe
Orked said…
yang dalam picture ni the old shoes ke?

yang new one nye takde gambar? hehehehehe.
Bashtiah said…
Hahahah... Katanya.. tapi belasah je bawa gi mana-mana..
Bashtiah said…
Alamak untuk new one buat ootd lah nanti. Hahahah..
Jari Manis said…
Dah lama x shopping kasit selagi kasut yg lama x rosak 😬
Bashtiah said…
Baguslah tu JM dari beli beli beli tapi tak pakai 😅
Bashtiah said…
Alahai mek... Tak reti sangatla ber ootd. Nantilah kalau pakai elok sikit bash buat ootd. Hahah
Cici said…
heheh I tak suka beli kasut maybe sebab size kaki 40 ni , susah dapat size and kalau ada size mesti ala ala kasut ronald mcdonald -,-' kalau nampak yang cantik, mesti tak boleh.

kawan kawan panggil size kasut I, size kasut pondan. kuajaq sungguh. -,- but I think pondan pun lagi kecik dari I hahaah
Bashtiah said…
cici, i pulak kaki kecik... hahahah. Kalau gi kedai mesti tanya saiz yang paling kecik.. hahah

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