Oily food all the way

Dearest husband uploaded a picture of his lunchbox that I prepared for him today on Facebook. 

Someone commented,
"Hi where is vegetables and fruits. Please add more la"

When you're friends on Facebook with your Nutrition lecturer... Hahahah. Okay, okay... I'll add on more fruits and vegies next time.


mek yunie said…
Hahahahhaha. Kan.. Ade je nk komplen
Bashtiah said…
Heheheh.. Tak apalah. Concern 😊
dorsett pink said…
Thank you sebab follow saya and baca entry2 laa saya. Thank u for reading
dorsett pink said…
i cannot eat without sayur
Bashtiah said…
You're most welcome :) Ala lagipun I'm joining the top commentor contest pun :) No harm in reading and dropping comments anyway.
Bashtiah said…
Good good! I like sayur too tapi since awal pagi preparekan lunch, tak sempat masak sayur.. hahah
Orked said…

ye la bash, cant see any in green colour !
mcm sya pon x bpe rajin, so i'll make sure dalam fridge wajib ade stock lettuce. bile nak makan, ade lauk, part sayur makan lettuce gitu je. kalau rajin, sya upgrade la buat salad ke ape. hahahaha
Bashtiah said…
Hahah kan... Ha itulah bash pun selalu juga ada stok lettuce tu tapi masa tu tak ada. Hah buh jela apa ada. Ulam raja ada je kat luar rumah ni ha tapi tak rajin lak mengambil nya.. hahah
Shafizah Man said…
Oleh kerana sekarang ni nak cepat, fiza rebus ja semua sayur, 😂 walaupun, rasa macam emmm..tapi suami suka, pelik ja rasa ya. Yakk. Hahaa
Bashtiah said…
Ada juga masanya rebus air kosong gitu je... Betul la fiza, rasa pelik.. Hahaha.. Ada yang okay rebus camtu je, ada yang kurang sikit...
Cici said…

My husband and I both bukan pemakan sayur. tapi kalau ada ngap je lah. I pun start makan sayur masa pregnant Ash (or Maira) hahahaha
Bashtiah said…
Hahah... Kena makan sayurla. Good for health 😊

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