Friends visiting Sofia

One of the many things that can cheer up someone who hasn't been out socializing; old friends coming to visit.

I am so happy my two dear friends back in UiTM Shah Alam paid Sofia and I a visit last Wednesday! Mimey informed me on Monday that she'll be visiting along with Iffah. One good thing she did; inform earlier that they are coming. Yes I do like receiving visitors once in a while but do inform me first. During my confinement period, so many guests suddenly came without informing us beforehand. Their theory (like they told me); tengah pantang kan, mestilah ada kat rumah tu. Yes I am home but I am NOT READY to meet people. Please inform in advance so I could prepare mentally and physically.

They came only for a while, which is also a good thing. With Sofia in my life now, it is not just about me anymore. It is about US. I am happy to be spending time with them but with Sofia, it is really unpredictable. When Sofia's all smiling and babbling about, it is okay. But when she starts to get hungry, things will get ugly. After a glass of orange juice each, pau, and taking pictures, they left. Just on time when Sofia starts grumbling.

They also brought a huge diaper bag as a gift. Who doesn't like receiving gifts? Hahaha. Yup, gifts definitely made anyone's day. Nevermind lah she got the bag in her favourite colour, not mine. But that is what makes her her. Always giving me gifts of HER favourite colour. Hahahah.

See how well prepared I am? With mascara, lipstick, bell sleeved blouse, and jeans. Hahaha. But I'll be thinking twice on wearing this blouse again. Washing the dishes with a bell sleeved blouse? Lecehhhhh.......


mek yunie said…
Yep. Lecehhh nk mamp :( mnyampah btoii
Bashtiah said…
Itu lah nya.. Tapi cantik... Hahahah.
botolsusuajaib said…
menziarah dan menyambut tetamu amalan mulia.... membuka pintu rezeki :-)
dorsett pink said…
So nice dpt jumpa kawan2 kan

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