Engkau maknya

I took Sofia out yesterday with mum. Initially the plan was to just stay inside the car while mum get the things she needed.

Dropped by at our usual hardware store. When I say usual, it meant we frequent the store so much until the workers there know us well enough. I think I frequent the store a lot more when I was pregnant. When I was heavily pregnant, I still went there to get cements and stuffs for our centre. At one point, the Indonesian lady even said I might give birth anytime. Oh, the hardware store was operated by lady staffs. Which is one of the reasons why we frequent that particular store.

So when she saw Sofia yesterday she was so excited she wanted to just pull Sofia out of the car from the window! Mum parked right in front of the store (kata dah biasa kan) and I was sitting at the back. I did open the window just to have a chat with her but I didn't expect her to pull Sofia. So I said let me just get out of the car...

And I let her carry Sofia. Yes she was so excited. Both Sofia and the lady. But at night, Sofia cried and wailed I really didn't know what to do. I kind of guessed maybe it was because the lady carried her; Sofia got too excited until mengigau or something. Seriously at that moment I regret going out of the car to beramah mesra...

Told mum about last night's incident. She blamed me for getting out of the car and letting people simply carry Sofia.

"Engkau maknya. Cakap jela tak boleh. Apa yang susahnya. Engkau maknya"

So there. This got me thinking... Ini baru satu. We'll be facing a lot more after this. I hope I'll be strong enough to say no. Just say NO. If it's not good for Sofia, just say no.


Shafizah Man said…
Huhu, pernah berlaku macam ni dekat anak fiza. Tiba-tiba ja pekerja giant dtg peluk cium anak, fiza pun mcm terpaku. Nak say Nooooo, nnt org kata "eee, sombong". Huhu
Bashtiah said…
Kadang-kadang benda tu di luar jangkaan kita kan... Jadi bila berlaku kita pun tergamam tak sempat nak fikir..
Jari Manis said…
Adeh!!kalau JM serba salah nk cakap x boleh sbb kita pun dh biasa n kerap ke kedai tu kan..so this lady pun excited ye aaa dari pregnant lg ulang alik ke sana
Bashtiah said…
Betul la tu.. Rasa bersalah tu kan. Lagipun nampak muka excited sangat lagilah rasa kesian pulak...
mek yunie said…
btol bash, bab ni kene secure. yela, kita tk tahukan ape nk jadi. so for safety reason, hmmmm, kena selfish and jual mahal skit.
Bashtiah said…
Terima kasih, mek. Iyela untuk keselamatan juga kan.
Cici said…
haih kan babe. it happen . sometimes dorang tak tahu or ignore je sensitivity. suka suka main peluk cium dukung snap photo. TANPA IZIN. I taktahu macam mana nak stopkan dorang. Yes I kedekut anak. I jeles orang nak lebih lebih dengan anak I. and nowadays banyak kes culik dengan kes penyakit lagi. hadoiyaii.
Bashtiah said…
Ya tanpa izin... I sendiri pun anak orang kalau dorang tak offer, I tak pegang... Apatah lagi dukung..

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