Cool app for pregnancy and babies: Baby Story Camera

I found a very cool app that can edit Sofia's pictures easily!

The thing is, I've gotten into a habit of taking pictures of Sofia every month. Okay scratch that out. I took pictures of Sofia almost every day. Every. Single. Day. And her progress too... First time tengok bunga, first time pandai main, first time naik kereta, first time naik kereta duduk dalam car seat, first time naik kereta pergi KL, first time naik kereta pergi Ipoh...


So I found this cool app with a lot of cute stickers that can be used to edit those pictures. Starting from when the baby is just a few days old until he/ she reached years of age!


I downloaded it from Google Play Store for free! But there are a lot of advertisement... Tak kisahla kan. Heh.

See? A lot of cute stickers! Dari mengandung sampailah beranak, hah. The only downside is if you made a mistake, you can't go one step back. It will erase the whole thing... 

I edited some pictures already. Planning to print them out and keep it in an album. 

Basic editing... Because of the one mistake erase all thingy, I only had a few stickers on. I've added a lot, really. But being such a perfectionist, alignment lari sikit je dah geram sangat dah, jenuh pulak. So there.


Orked said…
alolo omei nye ! i want one ! hahahhahahahhaa

doa kite taw bash. hiks

sya x rajin edit2 nih. klw pic blog, edit tarok watermark jek. klw post kt ig, gune basic filter kat ig tu je. tu pon most of the times sya prefer yg original. nampak naw species x fun sya nih. huhu

psst : sya ingt kan bash nk share ovulation apps tadi. bhahahahahhahahahhahha
Bashtiah said…
Hahahaha! Sebab tajuk pregnancy eh, tu ingat ovulation apps... Tak lah. Belum nak ada new baby lagi.. No, no, no.. Kelam kabut lagi ni...

Mudah-mudahan sya dapat baby girl... Aminnn..
mek yunie said…
interesting ! mek smpai jenuh nk edit benda ni. padahal ade sticker.
Bashtiah said…
Hahahah... banyak sticker dia.. pilih je.
Cici said…
bestnya babe. nampak jugak orang post macam tu tapi taktahu apps apa. tak terlambat lagi nak buat untuk Ash :D
Bashtiah said…
yeay! cepat buat :)

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