Blowing raspberries and I cry

I was told that my hair will start thinning after giving birth. But I wasn't informed that after pantang my hair will get so pretty and healthy! For the whole 44 days of pantang, I tied my hair tight in a bun. I noticed a lot of hair sticking out of my head though. Banyak anak rambut.

Habis pantang, cuci rambut, shampoo, oh em gee such a nice hair! Tebal, sihat, cantik! Never had such nice hair before!

Bestie said yea you'll have nice hair until Sofia starts blowing bubbles. 

When Sofia was about 6 weeks (yes I was still in pantang), she already started to blow bubbles. I panicked and immediately reported to Sofia's personal doctor, Tita. Rest assured, she said her sister had nice hair for quite a long time. No need to panic, she said. And so I chill. Chill chill pun, I went to chop off my hair. Because long hair and Sofia just didn't go well together.

Sofia is 3 months now, and bubbles has been coming out like crazy. 


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