Sofia's new sleeping pattern

For the past three days, Sofia has been sleeping more at night and less during the day. Today, she didn't sleep at all! From 7am to about 6pm. Only took a nap for about 10 to 15 minutes and that was it. At 2pm when I thought she'd sleep, she decided she wanted to have a chit chat with mama instead. I was like, seriously Sofia? You wanna have a talk at this hour? Tengahari buta ni? Because for the past two days after azan Zohor she would sleep already.

Since she wouldn't sleep, I decided to play around with her. Wrapped a shawl around her and take pictures. Lay her on the sofa and take pictures. Put a necklace on top of her head and take pictures.

It has always been 9pm when she woke up and will only go to sleep at around 2am. It's 9.23pm now and she's sleeping. At 9pm earlier she was already going uh ah uh ah but we just waited. Well she went back to sleep haha.

One thing remained, though.She must bathe two times a day. Hahah. Before this her bath time was at 9am and 6pm, then it changed to 11am and 6pm. Now that her sleeping pattern changed, her bath time changed too... As early as 8.30am already bathed.

Basically now her night routine has switched with her day routine. What happened usually at night, now happens during daylight. I'm not sure which one I prefer, but I'm pretty sure Iz likes this new pattern. A good night's sleep. Well I should be sleeping now, too, in case she suddenly woke up. Aah... Babies. You can never be too sure about them.


Shafizah Man said…
Kejap2 berubah rutin tidur baby ni kan. Dulu nak dekat sebulan lebih la mesti bangun jam3 pagi sebab baby bangun dan berak.huhu Dah bersih apa semua, dia takmau la pula tidur sampai la Jam5.30 pagi. Enjoy the moment while your baby is still a baby. :)
Bashtiah said…
Thank you, shafiza. Haah, dah berak apa semua pun masih tak tidur. Kadang-kadang/ most of the time memang buntu nak buat apa... Hahahaha.
jida said…
Bila anak besar2 macam ni, selalunya maknya akan pergi kerja dengan mata panda. Tak cukup tido..Haha..
Orked said…
sofia sepet! hehehehehehe

best kan bash ade baby. hehehehhe (alhamdulillah)

sya kan, kalaw cuti kdg2 main ngan adam bile dah pukul 6 tu macam "adam, kite kene la mandi la. tp ibu malas. cmne ni?" bahahhhahahahahahahaha
ok, ni sya sorg je kot ginih. haha
Bashtiah said…
Memang tak cukup tidur pun... Aiyak!
Bashtiah said…
Tq :) Alhamdulillah
Bashtiah said…
Hahahah! Alahai sya ni... Nanti adam pun ikut malas mandi..
Orked said…
nooooo... adam x malas mandi bash. tnggu nanti sofia dah merangkak. toilet is one of their favorite spots.

yang malas mak nye. isk
Cici said…
wah bagus. My baby Ash still akan tidur siang. lepas tu malam dia uwekk uwaa. tapi actually dia bangun nak susu je lah 2,3 kali. Lepas tu 4am or 5 am dia akan bangun and start nak main sampai 8am tidur balik.

Bashtiah said…
Oh. Hahaha.. Bahaya la pergi toilet. Banyak kes budak drown dalam baldi kan..
Bashtiah said…
Hm bangun nak susu je okay la kan. Nasib bukan jenis bangun nak main-main... Hahahah.

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