Keeping memories

Sofia's pictures (and videos) took up a whole lot of space in my phone! Although I already had them all backed up in Google Photos, but still sayang to delete them from my phone. And honestly, I'm a bit paranoid of storing pictures online. I'm afraid I might forgot the password, or even my username. Hahaha...

Yes I uploaded a lot of pictures on Instagram... Until one day Iz's friend told him, your wife uploaded a lot of pictures of your baby eh. Baby sihat? Coz Iz didn't have Instagram, so basically his friends would tag me to get him. 

I've been thinking of tagging Sofia's pictures with #nurkhairahsofia; I searched and so far there isn't any similar tags, but I didn't quite like the idea of having to see Sofia's pictures on screen. Okay senang cerita I'm the ol' skool type. Nak printed.

Really keen on photobook, but felt like a bit of a waste to order now as Sofia is only nearing 3 months. Plus I'm not used to getting a photobook online. Tak reti malas fikir. Hahaha. 

So, I got them all printed (4R) and bought a RM5 album. There's this one booth at Mydin Meru Ipoh that enables you to print directly from your handphone. RM1 for 4R. I printed 10 pieces and got 1 free. Oh yea. Iz is kind enough to bring Sofia and I to Mydin. Though he was quite worried when I told him I haven't chosen any picture yet. Which explains why I only printed 11 pictures.... Cepat cepat... Takut Sofia menangis. Hahah.

Anyhow, here's the album. I'm happy enough :)


Orked said…
comel nye bash. sya rasa better beli photobook vouvher bash. sebab murah. pastu boleh edit / deko2 sket (kalau rajinnn) kalau tak, better jangan. klw x nanti jd macam sya. berapa kali voucher burn cmtu jek

sya rarely share pictures on ig / fb. tapi sya ada ig untuk adam. cume sya je la boleh tengok, hehehehe
Bashtiah said…
Huu.. Bash tak rajin godek-godek untuk photobook... tu cerita dia sebenarnya. Hahah.

Tapi, bash suka cara sya buat ig untuk adam. Bila dia dah besar bagi account tu kat dia eh. Sekarang bash duk handle 2 ig, satu personal satu lagi bisnes punya. Macam rimas pulak nak tambah satu lagi.
Cici said…
kann babe I pun sayang gila nak delete gambo. haih kenapalah I takde phone 200gb =p tapi makin besar space makin penuh kang

I save dalam cd. hardisk. pendrive. tapi tu lah, I dah la pelupa. benda benda macam tu once broken hilang semua lah

Masa Lihin sorang,I save dalam album (fb) and privatekan. Lepas tu dah ada Maira I buat another FB acc and save semua gambar kat situ, monthly. Password I pakai yang sama . hopefully I takkan terlupa lah. hahahah
Cici said…
kann babe I pun sayang gila nak delete gambo. haih kenapalah I takde phone 200gb =p tapi makin besar space makin penuh kang

I save dalam cd. hardisk. pendrive. tapi tu lah, I dah la pelupa. benda benda macam tu once broken hilang semua lah

Masa Lihin sorang,I save dalam album (fb) and privatekan. Lepas tu dah ada Maira I buat another FB acc and save semua gambar kat situ, monthly. Password I pakai yang sama . hopefully I takkan terlupa lah. hahahah

photobook ada. tapi tak puas. gambo 4r penah print jugak masa Lihin kecik. entah mana I taktahu -,-'' apa pun I pun oldskool jugak :D
Bashtiah said…
Betul... Selagi ada space kat hp selagi tu lah akan ambil gambar lagi banyak-banyak! Haih bila dah print baru rasa cam, huh menambah lagi barang kat rumah ni. Kadang rasa simpan online jela kut.
Hsna Rahman said…
betul yg printed rasa mcm nostalgic sgt lebih selamat..xkisah la ol'skool ke apa ke..
Bashtiah said…
Hehe.. fikiran kita sama :)
Shafizah Man said…
Kan, kalau upload insta laju ja. Hehe

Fiza ni pun, dari anak masih bayi sampai la sekarang, tak pernah2 lagi cuci foto anak ni. Ribu dah kot foto anak. Siap penuh memory phone, suruh suami transfer semua foto ke laptop dia. Rancang nak buat satu album ala2 diari untuk anak. Sampai ke sudah belum lagi terhasil. 😂
Bashtiah said…
Hahahahah... Tau sangat... Memang excited ambil gambar banyak-banyak, yang jenuhnya nak menyimpan nya tu... Karang laptop dia pulak penuh... hahaha

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