Waiting for Sofia to poop

Yes, that's right. We waited for Sofia to poop. The last time she poop was Saturday 2am. Melambak-lambak, until it leaks on to my bedsheet. The whole Saturday night we hoped and prayed Sofia poop but nope. No poo poo. Then the whole day on Sunday, too. So, on Sunday night when she finally poop, we were all so happy! ALHAMDULILLAH SOFIA BERAK!!! Iz even gave her moral support... Come on, Sofia, teran lagi, teran lagi...

We were very worried as she used to poop a lot each time after having formula milk. I gave her both breastmilk and formula milk, by the way. Feeding her quite a lot during the day with fm got us worried. Kenapa tak berak-berak lagi... I read up about my friend's baby who didn't poop for days and after she drank Vitagen and Yakult, her baby finally poop. But her baby is 6 months old and already had food.

As the mother/ milk supplier, I was worried and kept on thinking what have I eaten so far until she didn't poop. Basically, yes, if anything happen to the baby memang the mother will get the blame... Sofia had diarrhea once, and they kept on asking me what did I eat (kurang minum air). Sofia had ruam a lot once, again, they asked me what did I eat (daging lada hitam banyak sangat). So, the only new thing I ate was lactation cookies which Iz bought 22 pieces for a freaking RM60. Mahal gila we got leter-ed by my mum... Hu.

I didn't want to take any risk and also get blabbered again by my mum (orang dulu-dulu tak ada pun ambil lactation cookies ke apa...), so instead of drinking Yakult or Vitagen and such, I ate fruits. I ate grapes and a plum. And drink lots of water. Nursed Sofia, and last night, Alhamdulillah, she pooped.

But don't get the wrong idea of lactation cookies... I guess the only problem was I didn't drink a lot of water... I didn't follow the instruction, too. I was supposed to drink milk after each cookie, and also consume lots of water. I think I depended too much on the cookie that I didn't drink much milk anymore. Now I'm trying to drink water at least once in two hours.

I took one more cookie this morning... Sebab sedap. Chocolate chip cookie, kut... Must drink a lot of water. Must drink a lot of water. Must drink a lot of water.

Latest update: Sofia pooped again at night! Alhamdulillah... Iz and I were so happy! Although it was such a mess because some got splattered on Iz's hand, we were still glad she did poop.

*Picture above: Sofia is 49 days old already yesterday. Top to toe including the toy (her first toy) were all given by kind people around her. Lucky girl, Sofia.


Orked said…
sofiaaaaa.... mata mana mata? auntie nampak pipi je tu. hehehehhehehhe. xoxo

bash, adam pulak jenis yakyak everyday. now 2 times per day sampai makpak die kene main osom sape kene cuci. hahahaahaha.

bf mmg kita kene jaga makan bash. sya ep mommy sampai adam 5-6 mo cmtu. sedih pulak bile ingat. huhu
Bashtiah said…
Hahahah.. Semua orang pun cakap camtu.. Pipi tu tembam sangat! Yeke.. Hm, ni masih menunggu dia berak ni.
Cici said…
heheh you kena jaga makan tau babe. sebab tu mostly BF mom akan pantang makan sampai 6 bulan. no spicy, angin angin semua takleh.

anak I yang ni full FM. berak sekali sehari. macam pelik je sebab kakak dengan abang dia berak pagi and malam. heheheh tapi orang cakap normal je.

tapi apa pun I kesian bila tengok dia meneran. bunyi sekampung dengar. ahhahha
Bashtiah said…
Iyeke... Ash meneran kuat sangat ke? Sofia pun bila meneran sekarang dah mula ada bunyi.. hahahah. Macam comel pun ada. Dulu muka je kerut-kerut.. heh.
Shafizah Man said…
Hehe, fiza dulu pun susah hati la amat kalau anak tak berak seharian. Rasa tertunggu-tunggu sampai tanya kat anak, kenapa la Nak ko tak berak ni? Haha Tapi, doktor ada bagitau la kat fiza, kalau baby yang fully breastfeed, dia tak berak sehari dua pun takpa sebab semua zat nutrition dari susu ibu tu baby dah serap. So, takda nak tinggal jadi poop.
Bashtiah said…
Oh... Macamtu eh. Thank you, fiza :)

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