First family outing/ pap smear test

We had our very first family outing! Our small family, just Iz, Sofia, and me. Uwan decided not to accompany Sofia jalan-jalan this time. For my first appointment and Sofia's jaundice check up, my mum tagged along, helped to carry Sofia. Now that I'm out of pantang, maybe she thought I could handle things on my own already. Actually, during Sofia's one month check up, when the doctor saw mum holding Sofia, she asked, "Anak siapa ni? Peganglah sendiri." Uh sentap. Mum told her because I went through caesar but was immediately cut off by saying it has been one month already, should be okay.

Well, basically two weeks post operation, I felt stronger already. But mum kept me grounded. Angkat pinggan ke dapur also got scolded...

So when Uwan told Sofia she's not going, I am very sure she trusted me (and Iz) well enough to handle Sofia. I didn't worry much about carrying her. I'm worried about handling her. What if she suddenly screamed, cried, meragam... Trying to minimize risks (haha), Iz went alone to register first. Agak-agak dah sampai nombor baru kami pergi bertiga.

Alhamdulillah, Sofia slept the whole time...

Even during the pap smear test. The three of us went in to see the doctor; Iz hold Sofia (still sleeping) in his arms. I wasn't really sure what test is it so I searched about it online before the appointment. A pap smear test is conducted to detect any abnormal or precancerous cells on the cervix. The procedure as I read on the net was kind of similar to what we've done in Biology class where we get samples from inside our mouth. Except that for pap test, the sample is taken from our cervix.

Knowing the procedure already, I was really nervous. Really. Thank goodness the doctor distracted me by keep on talking while conducting the test. Well, it IS painful. Even more painful when the doctor showed me the tool with streaks of blood. It's normal she said, a sensitive part. She advised that there will be blood but just keep on praying like usual. Bukan period. The result is either normal or abnormal, and will be known in a week time.

Because it is painful, I decided we should just go home straight. It is painful; more to sore actually. But bearable. Blood streaks came out a few hours after the test so I would advise wear a panty liner or pad just to prepare. Praying can be a bit uneasy. I felt a bit uneasy especially getting up after sujud. I thought the pain would last long, but by evening; which is about 4 to 5 hours later, I feel okay already.

Seeing me in pain, Iz comforted me by saying you've been through a much painful experience other than this, you can do it. Haa. Yes. Nothing beats the pain of giving birth.


Orked said…
uwaaaaa... takotttttt.... bile nak buat nih. isk
Bashtiah said…
Hehe.. bertabahla...

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