Keluar exam awal

(Leaving the examination hall early)

5 years studying in university, I admit to leaving the examination hall early before time; not more than 5 times. But I admit to taking a nap during the examination quite a lot of times; more than 5 times.

I don't know about you, but for most of my friends, and I, we would look up at those who leave the examination early. Like, "Hebat gila keluar awal.... Perggh!" (toleh-toleh kepala ke belakang merelakan pemergian si hero/ heroin exam) Well, basically because you must be very confident of your answers, right? Right. 

My teacher always advice us, back in the school days. Don't leave the exam hall before time. Always check, and check, and check your answers. And I believe in that. Because we are just human and human makes mistakes. 

I certainly have no problem with these early leavers, except that I kind of got a bit psyched and annoyed when loads and loads of them started leaving. I'd think "Do I look stupid if I stayed until the end? Is it so easy for them? Why are they leaving so soon?" There was this one time where out of 25+, there were only 4 of us left in the hall... 

Seriously, no, I don't have any problem with these early leavers, except that I kind of got a bit psyched and annoyed when they asked what took me so long to answer the questions. And actually boast about completing it early. And... Actually boasting by saying, I could have went out earlier if I didn't write the answers first on the exam paper. Should have just written the answers directly on the answer sheet.... And by saying that, it's as if saying that us who didn't leave the exam early are simply stupidos. We're not. We just value the time. Like, come on... We studied this subject for 3 months, we'll make sure it's worth it! OR... The other way around. 

Like, come on... We studied this subject for 3 months, we can answer these questions in less than a minute!

Up to you.
As for me, I'm done with my last oh very last final examination paper yesterday. End of degree, no more examinations. Oh yeah.


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