It's The Finals, Again.

Hello, hello...!

If you've been following my blog for quite some time, you'll notice that I have a post on the final examination for every semester. Like what I did for the first and second semester

So, for this third semester, I'll be having 5 final papers:
  • Introduction to Sport Biochemistry
  • Motor Control and Learning
  • Psychology of Sport Performance
  • Physical Fitness and Wellness
  • Nutrition for Sport Performance
I also studied Mandarin this semester, but we finished everything up before the revision week already. 

And oh! Speaking of Mandarin, we have to record a video so yeah, somehow all of us became actors and actresses. And I must admit I'm a really bad actress. But along the process of recording the video, I really had fun. I took Mandarin class with the Semester 5 seniors (oh yeah, a bit advanced), and though I wasn't really close with them but it turned out great, I believe. And knowing them leads to a very wonderful experience! 

This semester would be the last semester that I've to take classes with the seniors. Next semester everything will be back to normal. Hopefully. :)

The Biochemistry final paper will be in two more days and I'm freaking out. I already started studying revising studying. And it's a tough one. My heart beats faster just at the sight of the notes. Just.A.Glimpse. and I freaked out. Perasaan study Biochemistry seperti perasaan study Accountancy ketika diploma dulu... During Accountancy, I cried the night before. This time around, for Biochemistry. Lacrimal fluid berjaya ditahan. :')

The Krebs Cycle

Time waits for no men. 
I regret not revising back after each class.
BUT. I trust my Brain.
And I trust God.

I am now hoping to pass this subject. Yes, PASS. 

To those of you in the same boat as I am...



Pocket said…
hey that is good sis,
make sure u learn and keep em in your memory bank ok..
u'll surely use those..
and one day u'll regret it that u didnt pay that much attention in classes :D

mandarin.. is the third language to go..
LIFE is KARTUN said…
gud luck exam~ :P
fakta laki bini kat
Anum said…
wow pening suda
syakirahmn said…
woot! all the best!!
Namee Roslan said…
good luck on ur finals bash !! I know u can do it !! :D
Pocket said…
('and' but a long elongated one'

... u'r still with your finals sis?
long time no post:D
Bashtiah said…
Hi Pocket!!!

Ha-ha... Yeah, a VERY VERY long time already! But I'm back!

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